Terms relating to Tissue, Organs, and Systems


101 Intro to Veterninary Terminology Flashcards on Terms relating to Tissue, Organs, and Systems, created by gabrielle.bentle on 07/03/2016.
Flashcards by gabrielle.bentle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gabrielle.bentle almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Abdominal space between diaphragm and hip bones; houses the major digestive organs
Alimentary Pertaining to food or nutrition (alimentary canal)
Arterial Pertaining to the arteries or the blood in them.
Articular Pertaining to a joint.
Autonomic Occurring involuntarily.
Axial Trunk and Skull (Skeleton)
Bowel Division of intestine.
Bronchial Pertaining to air tubes of the lungs.
Capillary Smallest blood vessels.
Cardiac Pertaining to the heart.
Cardiac Muscle Tissue Specialized form of involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart.
Cardiovascular Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels.
Cavity Space or hollow within the body.
Cerebral Pertaining to the brain, the cerebrum in particular.
Cervical Pertaining to the neck or the cervix
Cilia Small hairlike structures.
Circulatory Pertaining to blood circulation.
Cloaca Urogenital chamber of birds into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge.
Coccygeal Tail area.
Collateral Secondary or accessory.
Colon Part of the large intestine.
Copulatory Pertaining to sexual intercourse.
Connective Tissue Tissue specializing in connection and support of body parts.
Coronary Regarding the heart.
Cranial Pertaining to the space enclosed by the skull; houses the brain and the pituitary gland.
CUtaneous Relating to the skin.
Deciduous Falling out at the end of a stage or a season; first set of teeth.
Dental Pertaining to teeth or dentistry.
Diaphragm Muscular wall dividing thoratic and abdominal cavity.
Diaphragmatic Pertaining to the diaphragm.
Diastolic Regarding the relaxation of the heart muscle, allowing the heart chambers to fill with blood.
Digestive Regarding the chemical process of turning food into substances the body can use.
Digital Pertaining to fingers or toes.
Duodenal Pertaining to the duodenum.
Endocrine Secreting internally; relating to endocrine glands.
Epidermal Relating to the outer layer of skin.
Epithelial Tissue Tissue that line, protects, or invests the body organs.
Esophagus Tubular food passage between the neck and stomach.
Excretory Relating to discharge of waste.
Exocrine External secretion of a gland.
Extremities Terminal portions: legs, feet, hooves, paws.
Fascial Connective tissue membrane.
Fecal Related to feces.
Genetic Relating to biological heredity.
Genital Pertaining to reproductive organs.
Hormonal relating to hormones.
Integumentary Pertaining to the skin of the body.
Intestinal Pertaining to large or small intestines.
Invest Cover or surround part of a body.
Involuntary Muscle Tissue Muscle tissues that are automatically controlled by the nervous system.
Larynx Upper part of the trachea (windpipe)
Lumber Pertaining to the lower back.
Lymphatic Pertaining to lymph or lymphatic vessels.
Mediastinum Mass of tissues and organs separating the lungs.
Metabolic Relating to metabolism.
Mucuous Secreting mucus or covered in mucus.
Mucus Slippery secretion of mucuous membranes, acts like a lubrication.
Muscle Tissue Tissue with the power to contract and thus produce movement; can be skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, or cardiac muscle.
Muscular Pertaining to the muscles.
Nerve Tissue Tissue that carries nerve impulses.
Nervous Pertaining to the nerves.
Peritoneum Membrane investing the abdominal cavity and viscera.
Pleural Cavity Space between lungs and pleura.
Reproductive Concerning the production of offspring.
Respiratory Pertaining to the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between atmosphere and body cells.
Skeletal Pertaining to the bones of the body.
Spinal Cavity Spaces between the vertebrae; houses the spinal cord.
Striated Striped, as in the appearance of the voluntary (skeletal) muscles.
Thoratic Cavity Space between the the neck and the diaphragm; houses the lungs.
Urinary Pertaining to the system of urine excretion.
Urogenital Pertaining to organs of excretion and reproduction.
Vascular Relating to vessels for passage of bodily fluids.
Viscus, pl. viscera Internal organs, particularly those of the abdominal activity.
Voluntary Muscle Tissue Muscle tissues controlled by conscious effort; also called skeletal muscle.
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