Key equations


University MM2 Flashcards on Key equations, created by kedy3gei on 18/12/2013.
Flashcards by kedy3gei, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kedy3gei almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
risk probability (most optimistic +(4x more likely)+most pessimistic)/6
Risk analysis Identify -> Assess -> Risk Priorities -> Mitigation -> Review and manage
EMV (expected monetory value) The product of the cost and the probability
TTC (total technical contingency) Sum of all the EMV's
RPN (risk priority number) severity x occurrence/probability x detection
RPN includes potential failure modes potential effects of failure potential causes current design controls recommended action responsibility and completion date
Legal Structure Lords Court of Appeal high court of justice queens bench, Chancery, Family County court
Structure for Criminal cases Lords Court of Appeal Queens bench Crown Court Magistrates court
A valid contract must: communicate the conditions properly distinguish from an intention to make an offer be addressed to a specific person/ group Express direct intention Must not be conditional
Fixed costs Independent of the volume of product sold
Variable costs Dependent upon volume sold
hourly rate overheads (inc income)/ number of productive hours
sole trader one guy that gets all the profit but is also responsible for all the debt
partnership More than one responsible partner. 'sleeping' partners may invest and then wait for the returns
Limited company Legal entity shareholders are only responsible for the face value of their shares Directors aren't personally liable for bankruptcy control measures must be followed
Private limited company All shares owned by members of the company
Public limited company Anyone can buy shares
customers perceived value (benefits derived)/ (cost of acquisition)
What are the seven P's for a marketing matrix? Product Price Promotion Place People Process Physical evidence
price elasticity (change in demand)/ (change in price)
six sigma process Define the problem Measure the process Analyse Improve Control the process
quality management KPI's Customer perspective Supplier perspective Effectiveness Efficiency
Budgeted cost work schedule Estimated cumulative spend at each stage
Schedule variance BCWP-BCWS
Cost variance CV= BCWP - ACWP
Scheduled performance index BCWP/ BCWS
Cost performance Index CPI= BCWP/ ACWP
Estimated completion time ECT = planned duration/ SPI
Estimated completion cost ECC = BCWS/ CPI
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