Saul, Samuel, David, Solomon


Flashcards on Saul, Samuel, David, Solomon, created by jamesonmcshea on 13/12/2013.
Flashcards by jamesonmcshea, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamesonmcshea about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
David Second king of isreal after saul: defeated Goliath; Father to Solomon; Davidic covenant - God would establish the house of David - “royal line.” MBS think that the authors of Samuel, 1 Kings, 1 Chronicles were biased towards David over Saul.
Davidic Monarchy Davidic covenant - God established David’s “royal line” and promised he would help them; David’s line is believed to have been the ancestors of Jesus.
House of Eli Prophecy that Eli and his sons will be punished for Eli’s son’s wickedness; a curse on Eli’s line, Eli is replaced by Samuel (David’s priest).
Jonathan Saul’s first son, friends with David; loyal to David over Saul, and helps him escape; symbol of loyalty and friendship.
Witch of Endor Necromancer who brought Samuel back to life after he died; requested by Saul; Reference to “magic” in the Bible - it works, but it is sinful/not allowed. Highlights Saul’s sinfulness and refers to his downfall.
Queen of Sheba Queen of the ancient kingdom of Sheba; heard of Solomon’s wisdom and brought him gifts and spices and a blessing of Solomon’s god; Solomon reciprocated with gifts.
Hiram of Tyre Ally to David and Solomon, helped build the temple in Jerusalem.
Merneptha Stele an inscription by the Egyptian king Merneptha that is the first recorded mention of Israel; the only mention of Israel in ancient Egyptian writings.
Qumran Scrolls also known as the Dead Sea Scrolls,they were discovered in the Judean Desert, and contain various parts of the Bible. Scrolls date from 250 BCE to mid-first century BCE.
David’s Census David orders a census of Israel and Judah. Census’ are sinful acts according to Ex. 30:12, and so David’s actions anger God and lead to three days of pestilence.
prophet- a human intermediary between God and his people. Navi in Hebrew.
court prophet seen in 2 Chronicles 18:5, these are false prophets hired by the king and tend to appease and affirm his decisions.
anti-monarchic strand - ideology that is opposed to, or reluctant towards kingship. Perhaps because authors didn’t want king as a divine symbol
pro-monarchic strand - ideology that is in favor of a kingship. Anti and Pro views are seen throughout 1 Samuel
eternal covenant a permanent agreement between God and his people, such as when God promises to Noah to never bring about a great flood.
conditional covenant an agreement between God and his people that is maintained as long as they obey God’s laws. God may punish if his laws aren’t followed.
2 Samuel 7 David offered to build God a permanent house. Then, God proposes to build David a permanent house. Then David gives a prayer of Thanksgiving.
“build you a house” - God's Covenant with David in 2 Samuel 7.
Elchanan ben Yaarei Oregim Individual who appears to have been originally credited with killing Goliath. MBS look at this and reconstruct it as one of David’s soldiers killed Goliath but David takes the story and credits it towards himself.
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