Created by Brian Hedspeth
about 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
What are the three types of rock? | Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary |
If granite undergoes high temperatures and high pressures at depth within Earth, what type of rock will be formed? | a metamorphic rock |
A rock that forms when magma hardens beneath Earth’s surface is called an ____. | intrusive igneous rock |
A rock that forms from cooling lava | extrusive igneous rock |
When large masses of magma solidify far below Earth’s surface, they form igneous rocks that have | coarse-grained texture |
Lava that cools so quickly that ions do not have time to arrange themselves into crystals will form igneous rocks with a ____. | glassy texture |
What is the correct order of sedimentary rock formation? | weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation |
Fossils are only found in ____. | sedimentary rocks |
A fault is ____. | a fracture in the Earth where movement has occurred |
What is the source of an earthquake? | focus |
What causes earthquakes? | elastic rebound |
What are the three types of seismic waves? | Primary Secondary Surface |
Which seismic waves travel most rapidly? | P waves |
Which seismic waves are the most destructive? | surface waves |
What is the minimum number of seismic stations that is needed to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter? | three |
A travel-time graph can be used to find the ____. | distance to the epicenter of an earthquake |
The distance between a seismic station and the earthquake epicenter is determined from the ____. | arrival times of P and S waves |
An earthquake’s magnitude is a measure of the ____. | size of seismic waves it produces |
What instrument records earthquake waves? | seismograph |
The amount of shaking produced by an earthquake at a given location is called the ____. | intensity |
The trace that records an earthquake from seismic instruments is called a ____. | seismogram |
How much of an increase in wave amplitude is seen from an earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale compared to one measuring 4.4? | ten times |
A tsunami can occur when there is vertical movement at a fault under ____. | the ocean floor |
Why do earthquakes often cause damaging fires? | Earthquakes can break gas lines, water lines, and electrical lines. |
What layers of Earth make up the lithosphere? | the crust and upper mantle |
Earth’s thin, rocky outer layer | crust |
boundary between the crust and the mantle | The Moho |
Through which Earth layer are S waves NOT transmitted? | outer core |
Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis stated that all the continents once joined together to form | one major supercontinent |
The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis was called | Pangaea |
The main reason Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis was rejected | He could not provide a mechanism for the movement of the continents |
the ________ is divided into plates | lithosphere |
plate boundary where two plates grind past each other without destroying or producing lithosphere | transform fault boundary |
boundary where two plates move together | convergent boundary |
results when divergence occurs between two oceanic plates | seafloor spreading |
forms when one oceanic plate is forced beneath another plate | a subduction zone |
According to the property of paleomagnetism | iron-rich rocks show the location of the magnetic poles at the time of their formation |
age of seafloor sediments change with increasing distance from the ocean ridge | Age increases |
A magma’s viscosity is directly related to its | silica content |
Highly explosive volcanoes tend to have what type of magma? | high silica, high viscosity, and higher gas content |
Most of the information about Earth’s interior was obtained by studying ____. | earthquake waves |
The greatest concentration of metals occurs in Earth’s | core |
One kind of evidence that supports Wegener’s hypothesis is that ____. | fossils of the same organism have been found on different continents |
According to the theory of plate tectonics, ____. | the lithosphere is divided into plates |
What is a geographic example of a transform fault boundary? | the San Andreas Fault |
Strips of alternating magnetic polarities found in rocks in the ocean basins ____. | provide evidence for seafloor spreading |
How does the age of seafloor sediments change with increasing distance from the ocean ridge? | Age increases |
The main source of downward convection flow in the mantle is called ____. | slab-pull |
Which list places the magma types in order of decreasing viscosity (most viscous listed first)? | rhyolitic, andesitic, basaltic |
A volcanic bomb is a ____. | piece of semi-molten rock ejected as glowing lava |
The particles produced in volcanic eruptions are called ____. | pyroclastic material |
Large particles of hardened lava ejected from a volcano are called ____. | blocks |
What type of volcano is built almost entirely from ejected lava fragments? | cinder cone |
The broad, slightly dome-shaped volcanoes of Hawaii are ____. | shield volcanoes |
A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a ____. | composite cone volcano |
The most violent volcanic eruptions are associated with what type of volcano? | composite cones |
A large depression in a volcano | caldera |
The landform formed when the volcanic pipe remains after most of the cone has been eroded is called a ____. | volcanic neck |
Structures that form from the cooling and hardening of magma beneath Earth’s surface are ____. | plutons |
Which type of intrusive feature forms when magma is injected into fractures cutting across preexisting rock layers? | dike |
What horizontal intrusive igneous body is formed when magma is injected parallel to sedimentary bedding planes? | sill |
Magma forms when solid rock in the crust and upper mantle ____. | melts |
Magma tends to rise towards Earth’s surface primarily because ____. | rocks become less dense when they melt |
The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are ____. | oceanic ridges |
Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located in a belt known as the ____. | Ring of Fire |
What are the major types of mountains? | folded, fault-block, volcanic, upwarped |
At a continental-continental convergent boundary, ____. | folded mountains result |
What is the major type of stress that occurs at convergent plate boundaries? | compressional stress |
Coastal plains are also reffered to as | marshes |
To determine distance east and west, you would use lines of | longitude |
Areas of equal elevation are connected by _____lines. | contour |
To detrmine the location on a map, you can use | longitude and latitude |
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