Nature Nurture Debate Flashcards


BTEC Health and Social Care Flashcards on Nature Nurture Debate Flashcards, created by Millie Brothers on 21/01/2016.
Millie Brothers
Flashcards by Millie Brothers, updated more than 1 year ago
Millie Brothers
Created by Millie Brothers over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. JADE (EMOTIONAL/SOCIAL-NURTURE) - Bobo Doll Experiment - Bandura 1961 - Explain experiments and results - What does this suggest? - 3 groups, 72 children - Groups Equal Boys and Girls
2. Millie (EMOTIONAL/SOCIAL-NURTURE) (Backup jade) - Chicago Twin Studies- by /Newman/Freeman/Holzinger-1937 - Explain the study -Mildred(well off-encouraged))-Ruth (poor- isolated) - How does this backup results of the Bobo Doll experiment?/ Support Jade's point?
3. Millie (EMOTIONAL/SOCIAL-NATURE) - However, Research from Teresa Odle - Research shows us : Due to maturation process, when frontal lobes and limbric circuit of brain develop - Quote children develop 'wider sense of self' - suggesting emotional/social development- nature.
4. Jade (EMOTIONAL/SOCIAL-NATURE) BACKUP MILLIE -Research carried out by Ian.W.Craig and Kelly.E.Holton - Their research us Image studies of the brain are beginning to assist the link between aggression and genes - Also suggests- There are differences in aggressive behaviour between male and females. - Supports Court Brown 1965-1967 where he found that the XYY chromosomes caused males to be more likely to show aggressive behaviour
5. Millie ( INTELLECTUAL-NATURE) - James' Twins study - Split at 1 month old. -Both naturally had the ability to do mechanics , had an interest in carpentry. and very good mathematics skills . Both twins also disliked English and spelling. This implies that genetics can have an influence on the twins intellectual development. They are intellectually influenced by their genetics-because they both had interests in the same thing.
6. Jade ( INTELLECTUAL-NATURE) BACKUP MILLIE - Adriana and Tamara - Twin Study - Separated twins - Tamara Jewish- city - Adriana Catholic - Suburbs - Tamara attended top private school, Adriana public. However both B students and had difficulty with maths. Further suggesting that genetics have a big influence on intellectual ability.
7. Jade ( INTELLECTUAL-NURTURE) - A study by Craig and Sharon Ramey. -Research explains Parents key to intellectual development - They shape and influence child's intellect over time by accumulative experiences.
8. Millie ( INTELLECTUAL-NURTURE) BACKUP JADE -However - Genie a 12 year old discovered to have been neglected and abused for nearly 12 years in confinement. - Severely stunted when communicating and was unable to learn to speak. - She mostly grunted and growled. - This backups jade's point about parents having a great influence on intellect.
9. Millie ( PHYSICAL- NATURE) The Grow Taller Guide- Research tells us twins generally have a 1.7cm difference in height. Although, fraternal twins average on a 4.4cm difference. Suggesting nurture doesn't have an effect on height- eliminating nurture for a reason for being tall.
10. Jade (PHYSICAL-NATURE) BACKUP MILLIE Referring back to the James' twins studies: Both twins drank same quantity of drink each day. Causing them to receive headaches at the same time of day each day.
11. Jade ( PHYSICAL-NURTURE) Research tells us that genetics alone cannot determine physical development overall. Proven in Minnesota twin study. Where identical twins grew up to be different heights - because they grew up in different environments. This suggests that different environments such as places of a different climate/ industrial zones can also have an effect on physical development.
11. Millie (PHYSICAL NURTURE) BACKUP JADE - The United Nations University stated that malnutrition can delay a persons physical growth and development as well as their quality of teeth and bone structure. Also, a delay in adolescent growth spurt.
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