Exam cpa2


Preparation CPA2 exam
Cherylinne Sumter
Flashcards by Cherylinne Sumter, updated more than 1 year ago
Cherylinne Sumter
Created by Cherylinne Sumter about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition PR According to Grunig and Hunt: “_____ of communication between an ______ and its ______ ”
What is the nature of PR in Britain? Often resulted of _____ movements and _____ (persuasive governmental attempts)
Definition Issue _______ that might become a _____ if not managed properly
Issue Management 1. _____ _______ approach to dealing with issues in an ______ way 2.______ activity, uses variety of tools and techniques, intended outcome
Developing an issue strategy (The do-it Plan) 1. Definition: Define the issue, preferably one-sentenced, to align participants 2. Objective: agree on ONE clear objective; confusion can lead to failure 3. Intended Outcomes: (What we plan to MAKE happen) small pieces that will deliver the objective. 4. Tactics: tactics to get to the intended outcome (+names of actors+ deadline)
Definition Public Affairs According to Tench "A PR specialism that seeks to _______ public policy making via _____ and/or through ___ _____"
Definition Lobbying Any ______ designed to _____ the actions of the institutions of government e.g.: influence ______ , regulatory and policy decisions, ______ on public sector contracts or grants
Purpose of lobbying ______ and _____ governmental thinking and strategies & representing and championing a particular company/ industry/ organization’s view to government (-bodies) securing a favorable _____ _____
Definition Image Symbolic ______ (not tangible), ___-_____, companies try to symbolically construct a positive ____ among _____
Why is a good image important 1. _____: Stakeholders recognize an organizations, helps raise motivation and moral with employees 2. ____: Being favored may have impact on performance 3. _____: Avoid conflicting images and messages, especially important as individuals have more than one stakeholder role
Definition Reputation ____-_____, overall estimation of an ____, (like a general, long-term image), strong reputation makes ____-_____ easier
Corporate Identity What an ______ stands for, DNA, (Gap between actual and desired identity)
Corporate Identity consists of 1. _____ (Corporate Design): Design, Logo, Typeface, etc. 2. ______: All planned forms of communication (tone and content), e.g.: What channels? How often? How? 3. ____: The company’s behavior that leaves an impression on the stakeholders: Which product? Sustainability? Take care of community? 4. _____ _____
Corporate Branding •used to make ____ attractive to _____ to strengthen ____ and _____ •How to create a ___ ___ that is relevant to all of its stakeholders? nearly impossible, all stakeholders have different interests 1. ___ ____: Who are we? How are we perceived by our _____?
Definition stakeholder Someone who has an ____ (stake) in the ____, which may be ___ or ___ interest as well as ____ or ___, known or unknown, recognized or unrecognized. (e.g. political groups, cultures, countries, employees, trade associations, suppliers, governments, investor groups, etc.)
Corporate Social Responsibility How organizations (for profits [commercial], governments, non-profits [NGO’s]) ____ and ___ their relationship with the ____ and ___ with which they interact
Three levels of impact according to Peach (1987) 1. ___ Company adheres to society’s rules and regulations (e.g. pay taxes, follow the law) 2. ___ Company is perceived to manage activities to adhere level and go beyond (e.g. do better than law, give people permanent contracts instead of annual) 3. ___ Company makes significant contributions towards improving society in which it operates (e.g. help remove society’s problems, responsibility for a healthy society)
CSR also includes ____ that are inherent on both sides of these relationships ___ needs to be part of ___ as well, or there can be no ___
4 drivers of csr •4 drivers of CSR: 1. ____: CSR is responsible for more than 40% for an organization’s reputation 2. ___: People want to know whether a business is responsible or not 3. ___: Caring about the planet is important; controversial, because often used as PR tool (“Greenwashing”) 4. ______: information is easily accessible by everyone
Media Relations _____ between the ____ and members of the ____ often used to generate free publicity (used as an alternative to advertising)
Press release formal document, ____ by ____ to ____ news
Press conference should be arranged to suit demands of the ____, only if important topic!, not to ___ boss/client, usually only in crisis situations; alternative: meet with one reporter can improve media relations
Embargo media relations ____ of giving journalists the story in ____ so they can prepare report under agreement of publication date
Off-the-record information should be avoided; only communicate information that you are prepared to see publically; can be beneficial for journalists (secret tips)
Agenda Setting Media ____ what we talk about by making a ____
Framing Using ___, ____ and ____ to make certain ____ more visible (“___”) than others -> ___ the way the ____ thinks about a topic
4 possible functions of framing 1. helps to ___ the problem 2. ___ causes 3. gives a ___ ___ 4. ___ particular solutions.
Metaphor ___ of ___ that combines two or more ___ ___ to form a new one “A metaphor ____ an ___ or an ___ by ___ it in terms of something else with similar ____” (Visual Language)
Selection Some facts are ____ while others are not ____
Salience What is ____ is made very ___ (e.g. big letters)
Spin put topic in a _____ _____
Story All the events in a ____, both explicitly ___ and ___. Chronological order of the facts
Plot ____ parts of the story. The ___ of events is arranged in a different way in order to create ___, involve the reader, provoke effects (e.g. flashback)
Media Text In ____ and ___ studies: a book, a movie, a commercial, newspaper article, lyrics from a song: anything which is to be ___
Intertextuality The idea that a media text has been ___ by and shaped by media texts that have come before it. The variety of ways in which media and other texts interact with each other, rather than being unique or distinct
Infographic ____ visual representations of ____, ___ or ____. Good infographic should be informative, clarifying but not simplifying contains:
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