SCIENCE - Year 9 November exam 2015


Science Y9 : November End of Unit Exam on: -Variation -Fit & Healthy -Pressure & Moments -Speed
Luca Cameron
Flashcards by Luca Cameron, updated more than 1 year ago
Luca Cameron
Created by Luca Cameron about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where are your chromosones found? In the nucleus of your cells
How many types of chromosones are there and how many in total? 23 types, 46 in total
What are chromosones for? They protect your DNA
Chromosones have a special thick _____ coat protein
What is selective breeding When you breed animals to have special qualities which make the animal/plant worth more money... etc.
For the topic fit and healthy, what do the 4 "s" stand for Strength, stamina, speed, suppleness
what are the 7 food groups fat, protein, minerals, fiber, vitamins, carbs, water
Name some harmful chemicals in cigarettes arsenic, butane, ammonia, carbon, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar
what are the four types of drugs depressant, addictive, recreational and stimulate
what is a depressant drug a drug that slows down the activity in the brain
what is a recreational drug a drug which people take for fun
what is an addictive drug a drug which makes you addicted to it.
what is a stimulate drug a drug which makes your nerves more intense, like coffee
what are the two types of variation environmental and inherited
what is variation differences between things or organisms
what's the difference between a breed and a species species: a group of organisms that can reproduce to create another organism which can reproduce as well (e.g. dogs) breed: a group of animals which have different characteristics from other animals from the same species (e.g. poodle)
chromosones are divided into sections called _____ genes
there are about _____ different genes in every human cell 23 000
what is a gamete a scientific word for sex cell
TRUE or FALSE: genes come in many different forms true
sex cells are specialised to transfer genes from parents to _____. The nuclei of a sex cell (gametes) only contain _____ of the chromosomes of normal cells. In fertilisation one sperm cell enters an ____ (egg cell). The two nuclei fuse together to form a complete set of genes offsprings half ovum
Changes in genes are called _____ mutations
what is a cross breed when different varieties of breeds are mated with one another (labrador + poodle = labra-doodle)
name some useful characteristics in plants strong roots, weather resistant etc.
How do plant breeders breed plants 1) The anthers of a flower are cut off 2) Pollen from anthers of another flower is brushed onto the stigma 3) The flower is placed in a bag so that pollen from another flower can not get to it
what does it mean by being 'fit' your body is able to do the activities that your lifestyle demands
which organ systems work together to release energy from food circulatory, digestive and breathing systems
all the cells in your body use aerobic respiration to release energy from _____ glucose
formula for aerobic respiration glucose + oxygen --> water + carbon dioxide
name some of the poisons from cigarette smoke arsenic, tar, ammonia, butane, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, nicotine
what is needed for healthy teeth and bones calcium
What is the equation to find out the pressure of something F ––––––– P x A
how could we change the pressure? change the force and/or the area
name some units for pressure pascals, N/M2, N/CM2...
why does water pressure change with depth the deeper you go, the more water particles there are above you packing down on you, creating a bigger force therefore leading to a larger pressure
what happens when a gas is compressed it will heat up and create a bigger pressure
what is a hydraulic system a system which uses the resistance offered by liquids to create a bigger force (e.g. the breaks on your car)
define these words: -load -effort -pivot load = the mass/weight/object used effort = moment/turning effect/force pivot = the point on a lever where the turning effect happens (hard to explain, go look at a diagram)
give an example of an everyday lever scissors, clippers, see saw etc.
the longer the lever the (bigger/smaller) the force bigger
define 'moment' the turning force/effect
what is the equation to calculate the moment? M ––––––– F x D
what is the equation to calculate speed? D –––––– S x T
if the forces on an object are balanced, the speed (stays the same / increases / decreases / stops) stays the same
what factors effect acceleration? speed, friction (if on floor), weight, air resistance, reaction force (from ground) etc.
what is acceleration? acceleration = change in speed ÷ time taken
how can you reduce air resistance? making the object aerodynamic or streamlined
the faster you go, the (smaller/bigger) the air resistance bigger - you're trying to push through the particles!
if the forward force on a car is greater than the backwards force, the _____ force makes the car speed up the resultant force
if the car has a forward force of 100N, but a backwards force of 20N, what will the resultant force be? 80N
what formula do we use to work out the acceleration? F –––––– M x A
what is terminal velocity? when your air resistance is the same as your weight, so she is falling as fast as she can (skydiver)
what are fluids? gases and liquids
moments are measured in... newton centimeters (Ncm) or newton meters (Nm)
a muscle can only (push/pull) pull
since a muscle can only pull, muscles have to work in _____ pairs to be able to move bones back and forth. Give an example antagonistic pairs biceps & triceps, shin & calf, quads & hamstring, etc.
When you fracture or break a bone, there are many different words/types to differentiate these injuries. Name 2 transverse, oblique, greenstick, impacted, comminuted
the tracks used in bulldozers are called ____ tracks and they are useful for... caterpillar tracks the tracks reduce the pressure, therefore helping prevent the bulldozer sinking into the ground due to its weight
Atmospheric Pressure is about ________ Pa. (a number) 100 000
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