Greek Mythology 2nd Midterm


The Olympian Gods and their mythologies
Sam McEwan
Flashcards by Sam McEwan, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam McEwan
Created by Sam McEwan about 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Arachne and Arachnid Arachne is a skilled weaver who bragged about her talent and competed against Athena. The goddess’ anger caused Arachne to hang herself and Athena transformed her into a spider- a skilled creature It is where we derive the modern term arachnid from
Ergane Athena and Ergonomics Ergane Athena: The title means “The worker” and it refers to Athena as the goddess of crafts, especially weaving. Ergon means work and is where we derive the term "ergonomics" which is the scientific study of the efficiency of people in the workplace
Eris/Eros Eros= personification of love, son of Aphrodite and the mischievous boy god: modern adaptation is cupid Eris= personification of strife and hard work
Hygiene Hygeia is a goddess, a daughter of Asclepios, the healing god. She was associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. Current meaning: Cleanliness that promotes health and well-being, especially of a personal nature.
Ichor The fluid that runs through the veins of divinities and can be spilt if they are wounded
Kalliste (Callisto) Kallisto (Callisto) the name means the most beautiful; she was a virgin follower of Artemis, whose beauty attracted Zeus and he raped her, so she was cast from Artemis' company
Omphalos Delphi was the center of the world, the navel of the earth.; sacred stones dedicated to the oracle were also named omphalos
Parthenos: Virgin Goddess Athena Means virgin, is a common title for Athena. Athena’s famous temple in Athens is called the Parthenon (The temple of the virgin); she is considered the patron goddess of Athens
Protean Proteus was a sea god who could change shapes and possessed knowledge of the future.; one had to grapple with the god until his metamorphoses ceased. Protean means of changeable or variable form, or having the ability to change form.
Pysche/Psychopompos The soul that leaves the dead body is equated with the last breath.; dead people are described as psyches Hermes = Psychopompos; this title shows his function as the Guide of the souls to the underworld: In psychology, the psyche is the conscious or unconscious mind, the seat of thoughts and feelings.
Pythia/Python Apollo killed the serpent Python that belonged to the earth goddesses and guarded the oracle at Delphi, his priestess in the temple was called Pythia Pythons are non-venomous large snakes
Sisyphean Sisyphus, one of the sinners in the underworld, was condemned for eternity to roll a big rock up a hill only to have it fall back down. A Sisyphean task signifies work that is difficult, almost impossible to complete and often futile
Tantalize Tantalus, who tried to trick the gods by feeding them human flesh, is punished in the underworld by being in a state of perpetual thirst and hunger, food and drink always just beyond his reach... To tantalize is to tease and tempt without satisfaction
Poseidon: Ruler of the water, the Earth shaker, Hippios Controls all aspects to do with the water; his chthonic character embodies the titles of the Earth Shaker/ Holder and has a connection to the underworld because he is responsible for the earthquakes and floods as well as sending the titans to Tartaros; also connected with good foundations
Hephaestos: The Lame one, the Metal Smith, Of Many Crafts Birth of humanity through impregnation of Gaia Patron god of arts and crafts, in the Iliad he has creative and destructive powers As a Metalworker: Inventions, Achilles shield and as a blazing fire: Burning up the Trojan river; attempted to rape Athena but Gaia gave birth to Erichthonia
Athena: Parthenos, Of the Aegis, Of the Grey/Bright Eyes (or Owl Eyed), Ergane Associated with warfare, cunning, skills and crafts and whose symbols represent wisdom, life and death
Ares/Mars The personification of chaos and destruction in war
Athena vs Poseidon Elements of Water and Earth P= a violent god of earthquakes and the sea, also the god of horses; represents the raw energy of elements VS A=builds the first ship, invents the chariot and the bridle; channels the energy into peaceful achievements
Apollo and Artemis Mythical Theme: Hubris/Offense of a Deity/Transformation Apollo and Artemis are portrayed as youth as well as archers, Apollo=sun and Artemis=moon.... Apollo is never portrayed as a hunter but a punisher: his punishment to Niobe was to kill all of her sons Artemis is both a hunter and a punisher: her punishment to Niobe was to kill all of her daughters Niobe compared herself to Leto (the mother of Artemis and Apollo) but Zeus took pity on her and transformed her into a crying rock
Artemis and Athena Athena and Artemis are both virgins and also use weapons.... Artemis does not participate in battle but hunts and is associated with wilderness Athena uses her weapons in war and is associated with battle, weapons and armour
Apollo and Athena Apollo is associated with tamed animals, farms and workable aspects of the land Athena has nothing to do with animals and is more associated with arts and crafts
Punishing Nature of Goddesses: Hera and Artemis THEME: Transformation, Beauty Zeus transformed himself into Artemis and subdued Callisto and she becomes pregnant with Arcas Hera transforms Callisto into a bear after Artemis expels her from her company....Callisto's son Arcas grows up to be a good hunter and when he sees his mother as a bear goes to shoot her but they are both turned into stars by Zeus (ursa minor and ursa major) but Hera cursed them to never sink below the horizon for rest
Punishing Nature of Goddesses: Artemis and Athena THEME: Offence of a Deity/Looking Taboo Artemis' punishment to Actaeon for looking at her while she was naked was to transform him into a stag and have him eaten by his own hounds Athena's punishment to Teresias was to blind him but give him prophetic powers, as well as a powerful staff
Artemis and Agamemnon: The Sacrifice of Iphigenia THEME: Offense of a Deity/Hubris Agamemnon offended the huntress Artemis by boasting that his hunting skills were better than hers. Artemis was offended and Agamemnon was forced to sacrifice his daughter in order to atone for his sin, but Iphigenia was magically transported to another place and was replaced by an animal instead
Worship of the Goddesses: Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite Temples dedicated to Artemis were used for the initiation of girls, but what they did there exactly is unknown The Parthenon Temple is dedicated to Athena Most famous temple dedicated to Aphrodite at Knidos in Asia Minor where the first naked statue of a woman was found
Athena and Medusa THEME: Offence of a Deity/Transformation Athena was a virgin goddess and when Poseidon had his affair with Medusa in the temple of Athena she was offended but could not punish Poseidon because he is a god, so instead she punished Medusa by giving her snakes for hair and a petrifying gaze
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