Catholic Cup Study Guide


A study guide for the Catholic Cup at All Saints Catholic School.
Noah Porter
Flashcards by Noah Porter, updated 26 days ago
Noah Porter
Created by Noah Porter 27 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who is this saint? Saint Patrick
Who is this saint? Saint Joan of Arc
Who is this? Pope Francis
Who is this saint? Saint Michael the Archangel
Who is this saint? Saint Joseph
Who is this? Mary, Mother of God
Who is this saint? Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Who is this saint? Saint Pope John Paul II
Who is this saint? Saint Thomas More
Who is this? Our Lady of Guadalupe
What is the fifth commandment? You shall not kill
What is the second commandment? You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
What are the sacraments of Initiation? Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
What are the sacraments of Healing? Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation
What are the sacraments of Service? Holy Orders and Matrimony
Who is the Pope? Leader of the Catholic Church
Who is the current Pope? Pope Francis
What is a day of abstinence? A day of abstinence is a day on which we are not allowed the use of meat.
What is the seventh station of the cross? Jesus falls the second time
What is another term for the Magi? The three wise men
Where was Jesus born? Bethlehem of Judea
Which liturgical season follows Christmas? Ordinary Time
Where was Jesus baptized? The River Jordan
What is the Paschal Mystery? The Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus
What are the cardinal virtues? Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance
What is the seventh commandment? Thou shall not steal
Name one of the fruits of the Spirit. Possible answers include Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, or Self-control.
Where did Moses recieve the Ten Commandments? Mount Sinai
What non-liturgical color symbolizes Our Lady? Blue
Is Temperance a theological virtue? No.
What is the Rosary? It is a celebration of events within the life of Jesus and Mary
Does water break the Eucharistic Fast? No.
What is the ninth station of the cross? Jesus falls the third time
What are the types of mysteries within the Rosary? Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous
Name the second joyful mystery of the rosary. The Visitation
When do we pray the Luminous Mysteries? Thursday
What is the third Sunday of Advent called? Gaudete Sunday
What is the Canticle of Mary? The Magnificat
What is the tenth Commandment? You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
Is the Mass the same sacrifice as the sacrifice of the Cross? Yes.
What is a stigmata? The wounds of Jesus
What is the thirteenth station of the Cross? Jesus is taken down from the cross.
Martin Luther posted how many statements to the door of All Saints' Church? (in Wittenburg) 95
What is the fourth Sunday of Lent called? Laetare Sunday.
What is prayer? Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and heart to God.
Do we pray to the crucifix or to the images of Christ and of the saints? We do not pray to the crucifix for to the images of Christ and saints, but to the persons of whom they remind us.
What is the first line of the Apostles' Creed? (First seven words) I believe in God, the Father Almighty.
What is the fifth station of the cross? Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross.
What is the Decalogue? The Ten Commandments.
Which Sunday falls seven weeks after Easter Sunday? Pentecost.
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