Bus 342 Chapter 9 key terms


Key terms for chapter 9 of Accounting Information Systems 4th edition Bus 342
Richard Kramer
Flashcards by Richard Kramer, updated 28 days ago
Richard Kramer
Created by Richard Kramer 28 days ago

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Agents The people or organizations who participate in business events. Ex. customers
Events Classes that model the organizations transactions, usually affecting the organization's resources, such as sales and cash receipts; Important occurrences that affect the flow of activities in a business process, such as BPMN symbols to define start, intermediate, and end events.
Finished goods inventory For a manufacturing company, the inventory (REA resource) that has completed the manufacturing process and is held for sale to customers.
Gateway BPMN symbol that shows process branching and merging as the result of decisions. Basic gateways are depicted as diamonds. Usually, gateways appear as pairs on the diagram. The first gateway shows the branching, and the second gateway shows merging of the process branches.
Intermediate error event BPMN symbol for an event that affects the flow of the process when an error occurs. Intermediate error events represent interruptions to the normal flow of the process and start the exception flow.
Labor operations event In the conversion process, an event that represents the recoding of labor (and any associated overhead) costs applied to work-in-process
Many-to-many relationship One class (ex. sales) is related to many instances of another class (ex. inventory) and vice versa. These relationships are implemented in Access and relational databases by adding a linking table to convert the many-to-many relationship into two one-to-many relationships
Production authorization event In a UML class model of the conversion process, an event that records the authorization to produce one or more finished inventory items.
Raw material issue event In a UML class diagram of the conversion process, an event that records the transfer of raw materials into work-in-process
Raw materials inventory For a manufacturing company, the inventory (REA resource) acquired for use (conversion) in the manufacturing process.
REA Resource, Event, Agent framework for modeling business processes
Resources Those things that have economic value to a firm, such as cash and products
Type image Class that represents management information (such as categorizations, policies, and guidelines) to help manage a business process. Type image often allows process information to be summarized by category.
Work-in-process inventory For a manufacturing company, the value of raw materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead in production but not yet finished
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