

Flashcards on 2C+2E, created by Oliver Jaan Trembos on 01/06/2024.
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Flashcards by Oliver Jaan Trembos, updated 6 months ago
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Created by Oliver Jaan Trembos 6 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ethics moral principles
tip-off secret : about ST that is about to happen or happened
dig around for search hard for
scandal event causing public shock
incognito in disguise
gutsy informal brave and determined
revelations suprising facts that people become aware of
gruesome unpleasant and horrible
inflitrate secretly become a part of organisation
pressure group nátlaková skupina
opinion poll názorová anketa
breaking news alerte info
gutter press bulvár/bad press
news chanel franceinfo:
press freedom sloboda tlače
press conference tlačová konferencia
media coverage attention and exposure received by a person, brand, event, or topic in various forms of media, including print, broadcast, and digital platforms
hand-made ručne vyrobený
well-dressed dobre oblečený
easy-going relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner
English-speaking anglicky hovoriaci
never-ending nekonciaci
strong-willed determined to do as one wants even if other people advise against it
broad-minded tolerant
many-sided having many sides or aspects
tax-free nezdanený
lead-free neolovený
worldwide celosvetový
a tip-off Secret warning or piece of secret information
a breakdown a failure of a relationship or system
make-up mejkup
lift off the vertical take-off
award-winning ocenený
best-selling najpredávanejší
crack-down to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way
life-threatening život-ohrozujúci
middle-aged around 50 yeras old
user-friendly Užívatelsky prívetivý
twenty-storey 20 poschodovy
world-famous svetoznamy
warm-hearted sympathetic and kind
warm up zahriatie
check-in airport when entering
well-known dobre známy
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