Chemical Elements


Chemical Elements
Lucas Callahan
Flashcards by Lucas Callahan, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucas Callahan
Created by Lucas Callahan about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
H Hydrogen
He Helium
Li Lithium
Be Beryllium
B Boron
C Carbon
N Nitrogen
O Oxygen
F Fluorine
Ne Neon
Na Sodium
Mg Magnesium
Al Aluminum
Si Silicon
P Phosphorus
S Sulfur
Cl Chlorine
Ar Argon
K Potassium
Ca Calcium
Sc Scandium
Ti Titanium
V Vanadium
Cr Chromium
Fe Iron
Co Cobalt
Ni Nickel
Cu Copper
Zn Zinc
Ga Gallium
As Arsenic
Se Selenium
Br Bromine
Kr Krypton
Rb Rubidium
Sr Strontium
Mo Molybdenum
Ag Silver
Au Gold
Cd Cadmium
Sn Tin
I Iodine
Xe Xenon
Cs Cesium
Ba Barium
W Tungsten
Pt Platinum
Hg Mercury
Pb Lead
Bi Bismuth
Rn Radon
U Uranium
Mn Manganese
La Lanthanum
Ac Actinium
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