

Sudanese Arabic Vocabulary List
Adlan Abdelaziz
Flashcards by Adlan Abdelaziz, updated more than 1 year ago
Adlan Abdelaziz
Created by Adlan Abdelaziz almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
*عقبالك I wish you the same!
كل شيء بوقته there is a time for everything
شغالين they are working
الله يعينهم May God help them
دخله محدود his income is limited
يكوّن أسرة forms / makes a family
شروط demands / stipulations
بتّفق معاك I agree with you
أمس yesterday
شباب اليوم Youth of today / today's youths
غير شباب الأمس different from those of yesterday's youth
ظروف مادية financial situation
متطلبات الحياة life necessities / requirements
قرار الزواج decision to marry
غلاء high cost
غلاء المهور high cost of dowry
عزوف عن الزواج aversion to marriage
عزوبيّة bachelorhood
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