Unit 3- Adverbs


FSI Unit 3 Flashcards on Unit 3- Adverbs, created by Sandhya Thapar on 09/11/2022.
Sandhya Thapar
Flashcards by Sandhya Thapar, updated more than 1 year ago
Sandhya Thapar
Created by Sandhya Thapar about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
थोड़ी देर से a little late
दूर far
सिर्फ़ only
थोड़ी दूरी पर at a little distance / at little far
सचमुच really
बारी बारी से by turns
जब ----- तब / जब ----- तो when--- then
धीरे धीरे slowly
सबसे पहले in the very beginning; first of all
ध्यान से with focus / attentively
जल्दी-जल्दी quickly
फिर से again
जैसे such as
वगैरह etcetera
कभी-कभी sometimes
वहां there
यहां here
बिलकुल पास very close
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