Unit 3 - Adjectives


FSI Unit 3 Flashcards on Unit 3 - Adjectives, created by Sandhya Thapar on 04/11/2022.
Sandhya Thapar
Flashcards by Sandhya Thapar, updated more than 1 year ago
Sandhya Thapar
Created by Sandhya Thapar about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
अलग separate / different
अधिक more
भूरा / भूरे / भूरी brown
अपना / अपने / अपनी one's own
पसंदीदा favorite
बहुत कम very little
मशहूर famous
हज़ार thousand
नारंगी / केसरिया orange / saffron (color)
पैदल on foot
बढ़िया very good / great
काफ़ी बड़ा quite big
ज़्यादातर most of
शाकाहारी vegetarian
ऐतिहासिक historical
दिलचस्प interesting
जवान young
ज़रूरी important
पूरा / पूरे / पूरी entire / complete
कई several
कुछ some
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