Anglo-Saxon Society


Melissa Tecum Vicente
Flashcards by Melissa Tecum Vicente, updated more than 1 year ago
Melissa Tecum Vicente
Created by Melissa Tecum Vicente almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Time frame of Anglo-Saxon Period? 410-1066 A.D
Who was England invaded by? Germanic Tribes: Angles, Saxons, Jutes
What did this invasion cause? Destruction of Roman civilization and creation of Anglo-Saxon society
Impact of Germanic tribes? - passionate loyalty to the king - strict tribal code of conduct - love of action and adventure
Outlook on life? - life was a struggle to be endured?
Outlook on evil Evil and death were inseparable
Outlook on fame? Fame was the only true immortality * glory=fame=immortality *
Anglo-Saxon Religion began with Pagan religion
Religion was? The most vital element of their society
Religion created? An informal system of god-heroes, few priests, and formal rituals
Pagan believed in the goddess Wryd or Fate
When was Christianity adopted? A.D 664 - became a province of the Roman Catholic Church
Monasteries became the? centers of intellectual, literary, artistic and social activity. Also hand copied books brought from the continent
Monks cared for? the poor, sick, and orphaned
The first book in this society? The Ecclesiastical History of the English people
Who wrote this first book in the society? Venerable Bede
Danes and Vikings did what? Invaded and destroyed monasteries and manuscripts of many pieces of literature
Alfred the Great did what? Led a successful campaign against these tribes and restored schools, etc. Credited with changing the course of British Literature
Anglo Saxon literature period? 975-1050 A.D - only 30,000 lines of Anglo-sax lit. still exist today
Stanza? set formula of composition that made them easy to recognize and memorize
Meter Formal rigid pattern of word stresses tgar give lyrics a sing-song effect
Caesura Mid-line pause occurs in many lines
Alliteration Repetition of sounds among words in each line
Heroic Poetry recounts achievements of warriors in great battles
Elegiac poetry sorrowful lament that mourns the death of loved ones
Epic Poetry story that has a hero, good and evil, supernatural elements
5 Characteristics of A.S Poetry - love of freedom - responsiveness to nature - strong religious convictions especially to Wyrd - reverence to womanhood devotion to glory - motive of warriors life
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