

Norrice Sexton
Flashcards by Norrice Sexton, updated more than 1 year ago
Norrice Sexton
Created by Norrice Sexton about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
adroit clever and skillfull he was adroit at tax evasion
Cerulean sky blue images of cerulean waters
Calamitous disastrous such calamitous events
guileless naive his face, once so open and guileless
nefarious wicked the nefarious activities
concomitant accompanying she loved travel, with all its concomitant worries
corpulent obese "a short, somewhat corpulent man"
defamatory (of remarks, writing, etc.) damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libellous. "a defamatory allegation"
Vermilion a dark red
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