Alimentos e bebidas.


Flashcards on Alimentos e bebidas., created by on 03/10/2015.
Flashcards by, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cake. ( queike ) bolo.
Chocolate. ( Chócolete ) Chocolate.
Jam. ( Jem ) Geleia.
Rice. ( ruaice ) Arroz.
Baked potatoes. ( beikad poteitoes ) Batatas assadas no forno.
Bread. ( bread ) Pão.
Breakfast cereal. ( break fest cireal ) Cereais.
Bun. ( Ban ) Pãozinho.
Cereal. ( Cirial ) Cereal.
Cereals ( Cirials ) Cereais.
Cheese. ( chiiesi ) Queijo.
Cookie. ( Cokkie ) Biscoito.
Corn on the cob. ( corn on dhe cob ) Maçaroca de milho.
Cornflakes. ( cornfleikes ) Flocos de milho.
Dairy produce. ( Deuri produci ) Lacticínios.
French fries. ( french fries ) Batatas frita.
Fried egg. ( fried egg ) Ovo frito.
Honey. ( Ronei ) Mel.
Junk food. ( jank fuud ) Comida corriqueira.
Loaf of bread. ( louf ov bread ) Pão de forma.
Low fat. ( Low fet ) Baixo teor de gordura.
Margarine. ( margarine ) Margarina.
Mashed potetoes. ( meshed poteitoes ) Pure de batatas.
Muesli. ( miusli ) Muesli.
Omelet. ( omilet ) Omelete.
Pancake. ( Pencaique ) Panqueca.
Pasta. ( pesta ) Massa.
Pastry. ( Pestry ) Pequeno bolo.
Puff pastry. ( paff pestry ) Massa folhada.
Roast potatoes. ( ROst potaitoes ) Batatas assadas.
Roll. ( roll ) Pãozinho.
Salad. ( seled ) Salada.
Sandwich. ( senduiche ) Sanduiche.
Sauce. ( souse ) Molho.
Scrambled eggs. ( scrambol eggs ) Ovos mexidos.
Smoked fish ( Smokesd fish ) Peixe fumado.
Soup. ( Soup ) Sopa.
Toast. ( tost ) Torrada.
Whipped cream. ( uippit cream ) Chantily.
Whole wheat bread. ( rouli uiti bread ) Pão integral
Wholefoods. ( rouli fuuds ) Alimentos integrais.
Yoghurt. ( aiorgut ) Iogurte.
Drinks. ( drinks ) Bebidas.
Coffee. ( Coffee ) Café.
Fill. ( Fell ) Freencher.
Pour. ( Puor ) Verter.
Alcohol. ( Elcoroll ) Alcool.
Beer. ( biir ) Cerveja.
Bottle. ( borrou ) Garafa.
Brandy. ( brendii ) conhaque.
Champagne. ( chepanhi ) Champanhe.
Cider. ( saider ) Sidra.
Cocktail. ( coktel ) Coquetel.
Coke. ( coke ) Coca.
Draught beer. ( drueff biir ) Chope.
Frizzy. ( frissi ) Com gás.
Fruit juice. ( fruit juice ) Suco de fruta.
Gin. ( gin ) Gin.
Ground coffee. ( graund coffii ) Café moído
Herb tea. ( rab tii ) Infusão.
Ice cube. ( aice club ) Cubo de gelo.
Instant coffee. ( instent coffi ) Café soluvel.
Juice. ( juice ) Suco.
Lager. ( larger ) Cerveja leve.
Lemonede. ( lemoneide ) Limonada.
Liqueur. ( licor ) Licor.
Milk. ( milk ) Leite.
Mineral water. ( mineral uauder ) Agua mineral.
Non- alcoholic. ( nun- Alcorolic ) Sem alcool.
Orange juice. (orange juie ) Suco de laranja.
Red wine. ( red uaine ) Vinho tinto.
Rum. ( raum ) Rum.
Sherry. ( sherrii ) xerez.
Soda. ( souda ) Refrigerante.
Soft drink. ( souft drink ) Refrigerante
Table wine. ( teibol uaine ) Vinho de mesa.
Tea. ( tii ) Chá.
Vodka. ( vodka ) Vodca.
Whisky. ( uisky ) Uisque.
White wine. ( uait uaine ) Vinho branco.
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