13 Visiteurs internationaux 1.4


Flashcards on 13 Visiteurs internationaux 1.4, created by EUA French on 30/12/2021.
EUA French
Flashcards by EUA French, updated more than 1 year ago
EUA French
Created by EUA French about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
especially / mainly par-dessus tout
to achieve / to reach parvenir à
persevering / hardworking persévérant / persévérante
the most of them la plupart de
grade sheet / report card un relevé de notes
compensation / rate of pay une rémunération
to give back / to return rendre
to live résider
to gather together réunir
to seem sembler
worry / concern un souci
to submit soumettre
to remember se souvenir de
internship / practical training un stage de fin d'études
company internship/ work experience placement un stage en entreprise
brief succinct / succincte
success rate un taux de réussite
to download télécharger
testimony un témoignage
web une toile
a lot of paper des tonnes de papiers
to come to an end / to draw to a close toucher à sa fin
long-term job le travail de longue haleine
wish / desire la volonté
business trip un voyage d'affaires
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