

IS201 Flashcards on Untitled, created by erocespinel on 09/11/2013.
Flashcards by erocespinel, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by erocespinel over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What can HTML do and not do? Do: Markup, or define, how the content should appear and be positioned on the webpage. Not do: HTML does not calculate totals, validate forms, or access databases.
HTML Web programming languages are used to make the content marked up by HTML interactive and dynamic.
What’s are the differences/relationships between the Internet, WWW, and Browsers? Internet: is the global system of interconnected computers and networks. WWW: is a network of interlinked web pages, or "hyper-text" documents, which exist on computers connected via the internet. Browers: the software tools used to read HTML documents and display the context. All separate but related
What is the current HTML standard? HTML 5
Do all web pages meet the HTML 5 standard? What if they don’t? How do you validate your web pages against this standard? Do all web pages meet the HTML 5 standard? That depends on IF you are trying to implement html5 on browers that don't support it yet. The html 4 pages will work under html 5 but if you try to run html 5 on a browser that doesn't support it then you won't get any messages or anything and the browser will just ignore it. You can use the W3C validator for your pages to see if they conform to html5. A key is to use the <!Doctype html> tag which tells the browser to render the page as html5
What makes a web server different from a regular computer? A web server is a powerful comp that has special software for making certain folders or files safely available to some or all people over the WWW or company intranet
What is URL? Know as the web address. Contains your domain name http://www.byu.edu/index.html "http://" part specifies the protocol used to transfer a copy of the document. "www.byu.edu" is the global address or domain name "/index.html" refers to the absolute path to the page you are looking for based from the root of the production folder
How is white space used in HTML pages? usually treated as a singe space
What is the purpose of nesting and how should it be done? Every tag that is nested inside of another tag should be spaced (or tabbed) in from the parent tag AND this spacing should be standardized for all levels of nesting
Why is CSS even necessary if styling can happen from HTML code? To keep styles consistent across all web pages
What does the “cascading” refer to in CSS? The ability it has to apply to all webpages
If multiple competing styles exist for a given content, which style will actually be implemented? The last one specified
i. How is the selector different for HTML element names versus custom styles? (think “.”) Certain selectors can have different property values depending on their state. STATE refer to different forms of user interaction with the HTML element. Think a.hover a.link, etc
ii. What HTML tag is required when creating styles in an HTML page? (<style>) The attribute???
iii. How do you create styles within a given HTML element? By using the style=“” attribute.... Ex. <p style="font-family: Arial; font-size:14pt;">This text is styled</p>
1. Padding. Padding clears an area around the content area. 2. Border. The border goes around the padding and content. To make the border visible, you must define the “border-style” property. 3. Margin. The margin clears an area around the border. Margins have no background color and are always transparent. 1. Padding. Padding clears an area around the content area. 2. Border. The border goes around the padding and content. To make the border visible, you must define the “border-style” property. 3. Margin. The margin clears an area around the border. Margins have no background color and are always transparent.
How to calc total width of an element?
Basically, know how .css files are structured and how to link to them from a web page. <link rel=stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
Fixed Position * a fixed stays where it is at even when you scroll
Absolute Position relative to browser window will ignore the positioning of other <div>s.
relative essentially a way to take an element without removing it from the natural flow of the page and just push or pull it a bit to the top, bottom, left, or right-It does not affect the rest of the elements on the page
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