
Role play conversation cards
Ivonne Montes De Oca
Flashcards by Ivonne Montes De Oca, updated more than 1 year ago
Ivonne Montes De Oca
Created by Ivonne Montes De Oca over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Leave a message Role play: Calling a friend A: Answering machine B: You Situation: You have called a friend, but he/she is not there. The answering machine speaks back. You must LEAVE A MESSAGE.
PHONE CALL ROLE PLAY Instructions Each conversation card has: Front side - a phone conversation sentence you have to use. Back side - A role play situation you have to set up with your pair or group.
May I speak to... Role Play: Cooking Classes A: Cheff B: Client Situation: You saw a cooking course add in instagram. Call and speak with the cheff, ask for information about the course (price, schedules, studies, place,etc.)
The line is busy. Do you want to hold? Role Play: Dentist Appointment A: Dentist B: Receptionist Situation: You call your dentist for an appointment.
Thanks for calling, have a nice day. Role Play: Planning a trip A: Client B: Salesperson Situation: You are planning a long vacation. There are promotional plans to travel to another country. Organize and buy a plan.
How do you spell that? Role Play: Gym competition sign up A: Coach B: Student Situation: A gym competion is advertised, you are calling for information and signing up.
I'm calling for information about.... Role Play: Calling for Apartment information A: Office/Agent/Rentals B: Interested Situation: There is an advertisement of an apartment sales & rents in social networks. You are interested.
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