Created by Kara Biczykowski
over 3 years ago
Question | Answer |
1) when the owner requests a sustainably design & constructed project the arch should use what agrmt? | 1) AIA Doc B101 SP "Standard Form of Agrmt Btwn Owner & Arch, for use on a Sustainable Project" + oth related forms like A201 SP "Gen Cond. for use on SP," owner-contractor agrmt for SP, C401 SP btwn arch-consultants, D503 App. F "Ex of Sus. Plan," & B214 form - "LEED Certification" |
1) 1st the owner must set a "sustainable objective," a goal to achieve by: 2) the arch can suggest a sustainable objective but the final decision is by: 3) in order for the owner to make an informed decision the arch must: 4) sustainable objectives can also be based: | 1) incorporating sustainable measures into design, const., maintenance, & operations of project, can use certifications like LEED 2) the owner 3) explain the cost implications 4) on a code or jurisdictional req. like a state energy code, or be voluntary like trying to meet a LEED platinum rating |
1) before end of SD or even as part of programming, the arch, owner, consultants, oth relevant team members should hold a: 2) a "sustainable measure" is a specific (___) that must be completed to achieve the sustainable objective 3) team also reviews how sustainability will effect the project's: | 1) "sustainability workshop" to confirm the sustainable objective, est. goals & expectations, discuss sustainable measure 2) design or const. element, post-occupancy use, operation, maintenance or monitoring req. 3) feasibility & budget |
- next the arch prepares a "sustainability plan" (use AIA Doc D503 format) which is a contract doc that identifies & describes: 1) the sustainable objective 2) sustainable measures that will be used to achieve the objective | 3) strategies that will be used to implement the sustainable measures 4) associated responsibilities of the owner, arch, & contractor 5) details about design reviews 6) details about the testing req'd to verify achievement of sustainable measures 7) details about sustainability documentation req'd for project |
1) "sustainability certification" is certification of: 2) certification is issued by an: | 1) sustainable design, construction, enviro performance, or energy performance 2) agency "certifying authority" like Green Bldg Cert. Inc. which issues LEED cert. |
- if objective is cert., sustainability plan can take form of spreadsheet listing items: 1) the sustainable measures needed to achieve the sustainable objective 2) the potential & expected value of ea. credit from the certifying authority | 3) the responsible party (owner, contractor, arch, oth) & if the party is primarily responsible for implementing the measure or just provides support 4) detailed description of the implementation strategies selected to achieve the sustainable measures, the details about design reviews or testing, & the sustainability documentation req'd |
1) who approves the sustainability plan? 2) the arch must incorporate the sustainable measures into the: 3) the Sus. Plan may be bound into the: 4) the arch must prepare (__) that incorporate sustainable measures in identified in the Sus. Plan | 1) the owner 2) dwgs & specifications as appropriate 3) project manual w/ the specifications 4) SD, DD, & CD documents |
ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF ARCH 1) if some mat.'s & equip. the arch proposes to use have limited testing or performance verification, the arch must discuss w/ owner that: 2) ^if owner agrees to use mat.'s/equip anyways, they must: | 1) sustainable objectives may be affected if mat./equip don't perform to manuf. representations 2) put this decision in writing so the arch is not responsible for damages of failure of mat.s/equip |
1) arch must implement (__) that were identified as the arch's responsibilities in the Sus. plan and make: 2) the arch has a duty to keep owner informed of how the project is: 3) the arch must notify the owner of proposed changes that will: | 1) sustainable measures / adjustments as needed as design work/ const. continues 2) progressing toward achievement of sus. measures or deficiencies that will affect it 3) materially affect the achievement of a sustainable measure or the sus. objective |
1) if the Sus. objective includes Sus. certification, the arch must: 2) before moving forward w/ additional sus. services, the owner must: 3) the arch performs these services as (__) to owner, & therefore any fees paid are: | 1) register the project & provide owner w/ copies of all agrmts that the certifying authority will req. in order to register project & pursue sus. certification 2) agree to cert. req's via written notice to arch & review them w/ arch 3) an agent / reimbursable expenses |
1) as project nears completion, the arch must collect the sus. docs &: 1) the arch may also be req'd to submit docs w/ authority to appeal a ruling denying: - see ch 50 for more on arch's responsibilities w/ B101-SP @ CA phase | 1) submit the docs to the certifying authority & prepare & submit the application for certification to the certifying authority 2) a req., prerequisite, credit, or point necessary to achieve the Sus. certification |
OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES - exact responsibilities depend on what is specifically identified in the Sus plan but can include: 1) providing any info requested by arch that's relevant for achieving the Sus. objective like design or record dwgs, operation & maintenance manuals, bldg operation costs, historical bldg data, repair records | 2) complying w/ req's of the certifying authority as they relate to the ownership, operation, & maintenance of the project during const. & after completion - ex - owner may be req'd to submit utility bills |
OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3) preparing, filing, & prosecuting any appeals to the certifying authority in the event that sus. cert. is awarded & later revoked or reduced | 4) providing the services of a commissioning agent, unless the arch is specifically contracted to do so as an additional service |
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