Created by iliachristou
over 9 years ago
Copied by iliachristou
over 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Lithosphere - Crust Aesthenosphere - Semi solid Liquid, Upper Mantle Convection - Semi solid liquid is heated and rises to the surface and cools, and sinks again. This is convection. | Wegner proved continental drift as plants and animals have been found in other continents. Pangaea - Supercontinent Gondwana, Laurasia - Pangaea split forming these continents |
Plate Tectonics - A theory that the earths crust is made of plates If one plate rides on top of another and one sinks into the semi solid liquid below and is destroyed. Folding - When rocks buckle. Anticline - Rocks bending up. Syncline - Rocks bend down. Fault - Break in the earths crust. | Normal fault - Causes one rock to slide downwards. Reverse Fault - One rock slide upwards. Slip Fault - Rocks slide past one another. Faults occur at plate boundaries. Divergent - Where two plates move away from each other and form a new crust. |
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