Pavlov & Skinner: Conditioning


Personality Theories Flashcards on Pavlov & Skinner: Conditioning, created by carlyreier on 30/10/2013.
Flashcards by carlyreier, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carlyreier about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Classical Conditioning Pavlovian: Use stimulus to create a response. Condition stimuli and responses. Tangible/predictable patterns of behavior
Unconditioned Stimulus causes automatic, physical response
Unconditioned Response automatic reflexive response
Operant Conditioning Skinner: reward/punishment presented after natural behavior causes learning/shaping. behaviors can be random
Operant Level number of times the behavior happens prior to conditioning
Shaping experimental rewards successive approximations that lead to a complicated response
Successive approximations small steps to learning a complicated behavior
differential reinforcements reinforce only the appropriate response and apply extinction to all other responses
reinforcement increases likelihood of a behavior
punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior
positive reinforcement presents a reward
negative reinforcement takes away a negative stimulus
positive punishment adds an element that decreases the likelihood of the behavior
negative punishment takes away something pleasurable
extinction when a behavior becomes progressively weakened upon non reinforcement
What are the drawbacks of using punishment? instills fear, teaches only what not to do, justifies infliction of pain
Primary Reinforcer related to survival (food, water, oxygen, elimination, sexual activity)
Secondary Reinforcer biologically neutral; associated with primary (money=food) Responsible for most human behavior
Reinforcement Schedules intervals when rewards or punishments are given
Fixed Interval Schedule rewards presented at set intervals of time
Variable Interval Schedule rewards presented at varying times
Fixed Ratio Schedule reward presented continuously after a number of repetitions of the behavior
Variable Ratio Schedule (best rate of response) Reward presented after an unknown number of repetitions
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