
Higher Business Management (Business In Contemporary Society) Flashcards on PESTEC, created by adamsjan73 on 30/10/2013.
Flashcards by adamsjan73, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by adamsjan73 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A local corner shop has to cut back on part time staff in order to survive after a major supermarket opens up in the other side of town. Competitive
Interest rates rises means that profits of the corner shop fall due to the large overdraft they have with their bank. Economic
New staff aged 18 have complained because the National Minimum Wage has increased and the corner shop owner has yet to pay them the additional amount. Political
HMV Music have started to consider selling non-music items in stores as customers are choosing to download music rather than buy CD's. Technological
HMV Music decide to launch a "3CD's for £20" to try and regain lost market share from Competitive
Operations manager at HMV asks the board of directors for £1.5 million to launch a new stock ordering system with record labels to ensure they do not run out of the most popular CD's. A similar system is run successfully by Virgin. Technological
The local council (after being blamed for excessive road closures during the past three years after heavy winter snow which weathermen predict will continue to get worse under climate change each year) buy new, advanced snow ploughs. Enviromental
The local council increase council tax rates as Health and Safety laws state they must renew all fire equipment in schools immediately at a cost of £7 million. Political
BAE Systems are required to stop bidding for a contract to build a new warship for North Korea as the Government has banned all exports to the country. Political
The strength of the pound against the dollar has led to a drop in number of Americans visiting their "roots" in Scotland - hoteliers see a 30% drop in bookings. Economic
High unemployment leads an overseas multinational company to consider buying premises in the UK to take advantage of the availability of skilled workers. Social
Glass bottle manufacturer in UK shuts down as they can no longer compete with cheap imports emerging markets such as Brazil, India and China who pay their staff much less and have more relaxed H&S legislation to adhere to. Competitive
Operations manager decides to automate bottle packing process after seeing suitable new machinery during a visit to the US. Technological
TESCO decide to drop plans for a new supermarket in Patrick (Glasgow) after complaints from local residents who successfully campaigned against them. Enviromental
A private school in the area publishes exam pass rates to attract new S1 pupils away from your council run secondary school. Competitive
Sale of Jane Norman bags plummet as girls prefer now to buy sports bags. Social
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