Surgical Instruments


veterinary nursing Veterinary Nursing Flashcards on Surgical Instruments, created by Hattie ,, on 29/04/2021.
Hattie ,,
Flashcards by Hattie ,,, updated more than 1 year ago
Hattie ,,
Created by Hattie ,, over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mayo Scissors
Metzenbaum Scissors
Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders
Mayo-Hegar Needle Holders
McPhail Needle Holders
Gillies Needle Holders
Doyen Intestinal Clamps
Allis Tissue Forceps
Babcock Tissue Forceps
Hohmann Retractor
Senn Retractor
Langenback Retractor
Gelpi Retractor
Travers and West Retractor
Finochietto Retractor
Gosset Retractor
Balfour Retractor
Iris Straight Scissors (strabismum)
Veneble Plate
Shermann Plate
Dynamic Compression Plate
Spay Hook
Backhaus Towel Clip
Jones Cross Action Towel Clip
Shardel/Schaedel Cross Action Towel Clip
Flat Blade Screwdriver
Hex Screwdriver
Depth Gauge *imperial or metric
Fergusson Bone Holding Forceps
Fragment Holding Forceps
Liston's Bone Cutters
Periosteal Elevator - single ended
Periosteal Elevator - double ended
Volkmann's Curette
Steinmann Pin (bigger and longer)
Rush Pin
Monofilament (cerclage) wire
Kirschner Wire (One end bayonet, one blunt)
Arthrodesis Wire (Trochar point at both ends)
Gigli / Embryotomy Wire
Self - tapping Screw
Cortical Screw
Cancellous Screw
Plate Benders
Halstead's Mosquito Artery Forceps
Dressing Scissors
Rampley Sponge Holding Forceps
Cheatle Forceps
Bruce Clarke Needle Holders
Matthew's Aural Forceps (crocodile?)
Spay Forceps
Rochester Pean Artery Forceps (big and long)
Dunhill's Artery Forceps
Spencer Wells Artery Forceps (standard)
Kocher Artery Forceps (has a rat tooth)
Criles Artery Forceps (curvey)
Lane's Rat Tooth Forceps (rat tooth and horizontal lines)
Treve's Rat Tooth Forceps (rat tooth, no lines)
Adson Brown Tissue Forceps (many teeth)
Adson Tissue Forceps (skinny tip, can have a rat tooth sometimes)
Debakey Forceps (vertical line thingy)
Kern Forceps
Cruciate Needle Holders
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