Four mindset qualities


A level Employability Flashcards on Four mindset qualities, created by Jessica Mills on 25/02/2021.
Jessica Mills
Flashcards by Jessica Mills, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Mills
Created by Jessica Mills about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Honesty It is important to be honest so that your employer and colleagues trust you. If you are dishonest then people may not trust you, even when you are not lying.
Flexibility It is important to be flexible so that you are willing to try new things are support your colleagues. If you are unflexible your manager may not ask you to do certain tasks or give you responsibilities.
Commitment Commitment is important as it shows you are dedicated and willing to work hard at your job and not quit easily. If you are not committed your employer may think your aren't happy and want to leave.
Accountability Similar to honesty, if you are accountable you own up to your mistakes and errors. Someone who is not accountable will often blame others and be quite lax about their mistakes.
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