KS3 Science Chemistry Revision Cards


Revision cards for science (chemistry) at KS3 level.
Lilac Potato
Flashcards by Lilac Potato, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilac Potato
Created by Lilac Potato over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What daily changes can there be in an environment? Change from light and heat to dark and cold, as night falls. Change from a high water level to a low water level, as the tide changes.
What seasonal changes can there be in an environment? Change from hot weather in the summer to cold weather in the winter. Change from long hours of daylight in the summer to shorter days in the winter. Change from lots of vegetation in the summer to bare trees and snow-covered ground in the winter.
Name 4 reasons why a species can become extinct. A new disease. A new predator. A change in the physical environment, such as a change in the long-term temperature or rainfall patterns. Competition from another species that is better adapted, including competition from humans.
What is eutrophication? Farmers use fertilisers on their fields and rain washes the fertiliser into rivers. This causes water plants to overgrow and block out the light. Other plants die as a result. They use up oxygen as they rot away, and fish and other animals suffocate. This is eutrophication.
What is smog? Smoke from burning fuels makes buildings turn black. With other waste chemicals in the air, it can form smog. This makes the air hazy, especially over large towns and cities. The polluted air can make it difficult to breathe.
What is acid rain? Acidic gases such as sulphur dioxide are produced when fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas burn. Sulphur dioxide dissolves in the clouds and causes acid rain. This damages buildings, trees and harms life in rivers and lakes. It also causes chemical weathering of rocks to happen much faster than normal.
What are some effects of global warming? Ice is melting faster than it can be replaced in the Arctic and Antarctic The oceans are warming up – their water is expanding and causing sea levels to rise Changes in where different species of plants and animals can live
What is increasing the greenhouse effect? The extra carbon dioxide increases the greenhouse effect. More heat is trapped by the atmosphere, causing the planet to become warmer than it would be naturally. The increase in global temperature is called global warming.
What kind of metals react vigorously with water? All the alkali metals react vigorously with water. In each reaction, hydrogen gas is given off and the metal hydroxide is produced. The speed and violence of the reaction increases as you go down the group. This shows that the reactivity of the alkali metals increases as you go down Group 1.
What happens when metals react in oxygen? When metals react with oxygen in the air it produces metal oxides, like magnesium oxide.
What happens when metals react with acids? When metals react with acids, a salt and hydrogen is produced.
What is the order of the reactivity series of common metals? Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Iron, Tin, Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum (Pond Slime Can Make A Zoo Interesting - The Long Crinkly Sort Goes Purple)
What is the rule about displacement? A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from its compound and the less reactive metal will coat the more reactive metal.
What do you get if you react an acid with a carbonate? A salt + water + carbon dioxide
What do you get if you react an acid with a base? A salt + water
What do you get if you react an acid with an alkali? A salt + water
Give the word equation for complete combustion of a fuel. fuel + oxygen → water + carbon dioxide
What are the other 2 products of incomplete combustion? Carbon monoxide, CO, a colourless toxic gas Particles of carbon, which appear as soot and smoke, which cause breathing problems
How is igneous rock formed? Give an example of an igneous rock. Igneous rock can be formed underground from molten rock, or magma. It cools slowly, resulting in large grained rock. Igneous rock can also be formed above ground from lava. It cools quickly, resulting in small grained rock. Granite is a type of igneous rock.
How are metamorphic rocks formed? Give an example of a metamorphic rock. They formed from other rocks that are changed because of heat or pressure. They do not melt, but the minerals they contain are changed chemically, forming metamorphic rocks. Marble is a type of metamorphic rock.
How are sedimentary rocks formed? Give an example of a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are small pieces of rock and animal remains that are weathered, swept downstream and then settle on the seabed. This sediment builds upon in horizontal layers and pressure from above cements the minerals together to turn them into rock. Sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock.
What are catalysts? A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.
Name the 14 properties of metals. 1. They are found in the Periodic Table 2. They conduct electricity 3. They conduct heat 4. They are strong and tough 5. They are shiny when polished or freshly cut 6. They are malleable 7. They are sonorous 8. They are ductile 9. They have high melting and boiling points 10. They have high densities 11. Some metals are magnetic (Co, Ni, Fe) 12. They make alloys when mixed with other metals 13. They make oxides when mixed with other metals 14. Metallic oxides are basic
Name the 11 properties of non-metals. 1. They can be found in the Periodic Table 2.They are poor conductors of electricity 3. They are poor conductors of heat 4. They are NOT strong or hard-wearing 5. They are dull 6. They are brittle 7. They have low melting and boiling points 8. They have low densities 9. They are non-magnetic 10. They react with oxygen to make oxides 11. Non-metal oxides are acidic
Name 4 separation techniques. Filtration, evaporation, chromatography and distillation.
Finish this sentence: 'If two elements combine the ending is usually something...' '... -ide.'
Finish this sentence: 'When three or more different elements combine - and one of them is oxygen - then the end will be something...' '...-ate.'
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