Second Reich


second reich
Flashcards by olivia.parson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by olivia.parson almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was Germany unified? 1871
Give examples of why Germany can be described as an autocracy 1900-1918 army accountable to kaiser only kaiser appointed and dismissed chancellors chancellor not accountable to reichstag forced Bulow to resign dissolved the Reichstag in 1906
Give examples of germany being democratic 1900-918 increasing assertiveness of reichstag e.g 1906 budget Reichstag Trade union membership increased Daily Telegraph Affair 1908
When was the Hottentot election? 1907
what was the Hottentot election? SPD and centre parties joined forces to vote against the budget as opposed of gov's colonial policy in Africa
When was the Daily Telegraph Affair? 1908
What was Tarriff policy? 1902 law which restore agricultural tariffs to 1892 levels as it was a conservative policy
What was the Bulow Bloc? voting bloc created by Bulow of all the non-socialist parties
What fraction of German Reich territory did Prussia occupy? 2/3
What was the Landtag? Prussia's regional assembly
Why did the reich rely on Prussian civil service? only states could raise direct taxes or indirect taxing lead to a lack of funds
Name 3 reforms in the second reich sickness insurance law old age pension law accident insurance law
by how much did the economy expand 1890-1914 per year? 4.5%
how much did coal and iron production increase by 1900-1914 x2
German steel production exceeded Britains by when? 1900
Steel Production increase by how much 1890-1914 9 fold
Germany produced how much of the worlds electrical goods in 1913? 50%
what % of the population lived in urban areas by 1910? 60%
How many inhabitants did Berlin have 1910? 2 million
When was the boom in trade union membership and how many members did they have? 1913 over 3million
where was there an abundance of coal? Ruhr, Saar and Silesia
Where was there an abundance of iron-ore? Alsace-Lorrain
Long term reasons for economic success in the reich? population raw materials geography
short term reasons for economic success? education banks protection
SPD seats 1912 110 (28%)
When was the Zabern Affair? 1913
what % of the cost of war was met by taxation? 16%
how much did the war cost? £8.4million
how much did the mark decline by 1913-18? 75%
how many soldiers were killed ww1? 2 million
how many soldiers were injured ww1? 6.3million
when was the turnip winter? 1917
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