The Intention of the Introduction


Introduction to Leaders Program (Section 2- Assignment Due the Second Week) Flashcards on The Intention of the Introduction, created by lissette.olamend on 15/10/2013.
Flashcards by lissette.olamend, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lissette.olamend over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. Welcome (5-10 minutes) The Intention is to Create: -A safe space -Your own credibility -And to have people be at home
2. What the Evening is About (2 minutes) The intention is to enroll the guest in their participation for the rest of the evening and to create: -That however they are will work -A space of authentic communication -That you are someone who is trustworthy
3. What the Evening is About (2 minutes) T
4.Probable/Almost Certain Future (10-15 minutes) The intention is: -That the guest authentically look at an aspect of their life that isn't working or isn't working as well as they'd like it to -And for them to tell themselves the truth about that
5. What's Missing, the Presence (15-22 minutes) of Which Would Make a Difference? The intention is that each guest: -Create something that is missing expressed as a way of being and - Is present to what would be possible for them if what was missing were present *It is important that they are left validated, appreciated, and respected for what they say/create
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