Week 4: Liver and Bile


Chemistry Rotation Flashcards on Week 4: Liver and Bile, created by Stacym09 on 10/10/2013.
Flashcards by Stacym09, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Stacym09 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is bilirubin derived from? myeoglobin, hemoglobin, destroyed RBC's, hemolysis
How can drugs cause jaundice? causes hemolysis, causes bile stasis, competing with bilirubin for albumin, direct hepatic effect on toxic cells
jendrassik Grof method for bilirubin, uses diazotized sulfanilic acid
evelyn malloy measures unconjugated bilirubin, dependent upon addition of methanol
serum bilirubin methods bilirubinometer,Jandrassik Grof, bilirubin oxidase
Liver failure increased PTA, bile NH3 and decreased albumin
functions of liver -synthesis of cholesterol and bile acids, storage of vitamin A,
how are liver fxns assessed ALT and AST
potentially toxic byproduct that is detoxified by the liver NH3
urobilin breakdown product of bilirubin metabolism produced in colon from the oxidation of urobiligen by microorganisms
jaundice yellow pigmentation of skin
kernictious abnormal accumulation of bile in the brain
bilirubin metabolism RBC disenegrate, Hmg released and converted to pigment bilirubin by the spleen
direct bilirubin conjugated in the liver, attached to glucoronic acid, excreted in urine of jaundice patient
biliary destruction increased total bilirubin, hemolytic jaundice,criggler najjar syndrome,
hemolytic jaundice types cirhosis,criggler najjar, hepatitis, increased unconjugated bilirubin serum
criggler najjar defficiency of an enzyme needed to conjugate bilirubin
dubin johnson excessive conjugated bilirubin in urine
cirrhosis alcoholism
complete obstrucion of bile duct characterized by neg urobilogen in urine, neg fecal urobilogin in urine, excretion of pale colored stool
major compund in non protein nitrogen urea
how does nh3 keptbetween limits to maintain acid base balance synthesis of urea from nh3
disorders associated w increased blood nh3 reyes syndrome, renal failure, chronic liver failure
serum creatinine v GFR serum creatinine increases, GFR decreases
BUN/ creatinine ratio and whats associated w increased BUN 1:20, kidney failure, heart failure, dehydration and high protein
process of creatinine creatine is precursor of creatinine
Bartholat urea test blue green complex
gaffe rxn colorimetric test for creatinine, alpaline conditions
creatinine clearance test UxV/P, p =serum creatinine, used to assess GFR
if urine is not fresh and requiring a creatinine level what must be done pH adjusted to 7
why is creatinine a good substance for a claearnce test ? blood levels are stable
creatine process filtered by glomeruli, not reabsorbed by tubule, only secreted by tubules when plasma levels become elevated
tests increased in renal failure K,mg,phos,urea,creatinine,uric acid, decreased are Ca and erythropoietin
gout increase in uric acid
why do pple in chemo get gout sometimes? chemo increases uric acid
end product of protein metabolism urea
proximal tubule fxn -reabsorbs 80% of salt and H20
relationship between serum creatinine and GFR inverse
normal renal plasma flow 600ml/min
what happens to the BUN/creatinine ratio in prerenal azotemia? increased BUN/creatinine, (BUN should be higher)
Proximal tubule returns substances back to blood and secrete products of kidney metabolism,
Proximal tubule returns substances back to blood and secrete products of kidney metabolism,
loop of henle reabsorbs H20, Na + Cl
how to estimate Bun creatinine age race gender
best accurate test for GFR creatinine=Unpaired renal function
dialysis method for seperating macromolecules from solvent
urea:urea nitrogen ratio 2.14:1.0
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