Social Studies Vocab.


vocab for social studies
Haden s.
Flashcards by Haden s., updated more than 1 year ago
Haden s.
Created by Haden s. over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment A change or addition to a legal document
Assimilate To take in as one's own
Bias Having favor towards one over the others
Bicameral Having two branches, chambers, or houses
Blockade To clos off a place, as a port, harbor, or city by troops or ships to prevent supplies from entering
Boomtown A town that has grown rapidly
Capitalism An economical idea that businesses are ran by private companies and wealth is determined by success
Captain of Industry the head of a large business, especially a industrial complex
Due Process of law a guarantee that all law processes will be fair and they have all american rights during a trial
Checks and Balances a system to prevent one branch of government from having to much power
Congress the legislative branch that consists the senate and the house of representatives
Economics the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Emancipated freed from slavery or bondage
Enfranchise admit to citizenship, especially to the right of voting
Enumerated to mention separately as if counting
Federalism the federal principle of government
Forty-niners a person who went to California in 1849 during the gold rush
Free Enterprise a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market
Habeas Corpus the right to be brought before a judge or court
Industry productive enterprises in a certain field
Judicial pertaining to judgment in courts of justice
Ku Klux Klan A secret organization formed in the south during reconstruction that were all white and hated blacks
Manifest Desting the idea that Americans need to move west to the west coast
Martyr A person who would die than change their religion
Monopoly a control in a particular market that makes it possible to alter prices
Nomadic related or characteristic of nomads
Override When the President veto's a law, congress can override the veto over a 2/3 vote
Popular Sovereignty power is vested in the people and those chosen to govern
Ratify To confirm by approval
Radical favoring drastic political, economic, or social changes
Republicanism republic principles and government
Robber Baron the opposite of a captain of industry, they were rich business owners that only wanted money, stole to get what they wanted, and provided low pay and pore working conditions
Rural country and farming type of living
Separation of Powers political system that breaks up the government into three branches, legislative, judicial, and executive
Social Darwinism social order is accounted by natural selection and those who are best suited to existing living conditions
Suffrage the right to vote
Supreme Court the highest court in America
Tariff an official list showing the duties of a government
Taxation Without Representation one of the reasons the American Revolutionary War started, Britain was raising taxes without the colonist consent
Trade Union a union including all workers in an industry
Urban characteristic of or accustomed to cities
Veto when the president declines a bill
Thomas Jefferson the third president of the united sates and wrote the Declaration of Independence
Andrew Jackson the seventh president who passed the Indian Removal Act. He was a hero of the War of 1812
Sacagawea a native american woman who guided Lewis and Clark on their expedition
James Polk the eleventh president who got the most land for america including the southwest territory, Texas territory, and Organ territory
Frederick Douglass an x-slave who escaped slavery and joined the abolitionist movement and wrote and autobiography
Harriet Beecher Stowe an abolitionist who wrote a book about slavery called Uncle Toms Cabin
John Brown an abolitionist who believed the only way to end slavery were for slaves to fight back. he raided Harpers Fairy
Robert E. Lee a confederate general during the civil war and surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox courthouse
Andrew Johnson the seventeenth president known as the veto president because he vetoed almost every bill. vice president to Abraham Lincoln but became president after Lincolns assassination
Susan B. Anthony one of the leaders in the woman suffragist movement
Sitting Bull a native american leader who lead resistance from the Americans and was killed for teaching others the ghost dance
George Custer union commander who was famous for the battle at little bighorn
Cornelius Vanderbilt one of the men who built america, he made his money from railroads and shipping
John Rockefeller one of the men who built america, he got his money from oil
Andrew Carnegie one of the men who built america, he got his money from steel
Jamestown the first colony on the new world that had the citizens resort to cannibalism
Plymouth colony on the new world made by pilgrims and was supported by native Americans
Lexington and Concord the first two battles on the american revolutionary war
Erie Canal Built in New York to have an easy water way to the Atlantic ocean
The Almao major battle in the war against mexico for Texas to be independent
Harper's Fairy military armory that was raided by john brown so he could give them to slaves to fight back
Fort Sumter fort in South Carolina where the first battle of the Civil War took place
Gettysburg the biggest and bloodiest battle of the civil war, over 51000 men died and Lincoln gave the famous Gettysburg Address
Appomattox Courthouse the place were Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant ending the Civil War
Ford's Theater theater in Washington D.C. were Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
Promontory Point, Utah where the first transcontinental railroad was completed
Ellis Island and Angel Island two islands were immigrants would go to become citizens of america
Declaration of Independence document written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by many on July 4, 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain
Revolutionary War started with Lexington and Concord and the Declaration of Independence, it was the war that got America free from Great Britain
Articles of Confederation the first constitution of the U.S. that failed because no one enforced it and was rewritten
Great Compromise compromise that made the senate and the house of representatives
Passing of the Constitution the government went to pass a new constitution after the old one failed
Adding to the Bill of Rights federalist and anti-federalist were arguing about adding to the constitution so the bill of rights were made
Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson wanted land to move west so he bought the land from the french for 15 million dollars
Missouri Compromise to decide what states world be made, a line was made were states south would be slave sates and north would be free states
Indian Removal Act president Andrew Jackson saw the native Americans as an obstacle so he passed the Indian Removal Act and had them moved to Oklahoma
Mexican-American War for control over the southwest territory america went to war with mexico because they wouldn't sell . We won and got the land
California Gold Rush in 1849 large amounts of gold was found in California and people from america and china came to get gold
Homestead Act signed by Abraham Lincoln to encourage western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of land
Industrial Revolution time when many went from rural to urban living styles and machines to do work so less men had to work
Underground Railroad a system of paths and shelters to help slaves escape to the north
Seneca Falls Convention a convention were woman discussed that they should the same rights as men and led to the suffragist movement
Compromise of 1850 Made California a free state with Utah and New Mexico decided by popular sovereignty and a more strict fugitive slave laws
Kansas-Nebraska Act to determine whether or not Kansas and Nebraska a compromise was made to determine it by popular sovereignty
Dred Scott V. Sanford a slave that moved to Illinois with his master, went to court for his freedom because he was in a free state. The outcome was in favor of his master and Dred Scott was still a slave
Fugitive Slave Act because of the act, any white man could say a black person was their slave even if they weren't and were free and make them their slave
Bleeding Kansas a period were Kansas was to be a free or slave state state and people who wanted it to be a slave state would threaten people to vote for a slave state and this erupted into violence
Civil War 1861 to 1865. The bloodiest war in america. between the confederates (south) and the union (north). mostly over slavery because the south thought Lincoln would end slavery son they left the union but Lincoln wanted to get them back which lead to the war
Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in areas of rebellion during the Civil War
Civil War Draft Riots during the civil war, the army was drafting soldiers because it was bad. However, the rich could get out of it and poor starting rioting against it
Gettysburg Address after the battle at Gettysburg, Lincoln went their to honor the dead and gave one of the most famous speeches
Reconstruction the area after the civil war that was for rebuilding the south and trust between the north and south. brought the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
Civil War Amendments 13th- freed and ended slavery permanently 14th- Granted citizenship to people born in america 15th- gave black men the right to vote
Completion of Transcontinental Railroad the transcontinental railroad is completed and there is now a faster way to travel across the country
Indian Wars the wars between native american tribes because they refused to go to reservations
Gilded Age an area of american history that brought up the construction of major cities, captains of industry, and robber barons
Populist party also know as the peoples party, it was a political party for the working class
Plessy V. Ferguson supreme court case over "separate but equal"
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