
Flashcards by musseann000, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by musseann000 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amendment A change to an official document (Example: Constitution)
Assimilate To understand (information, culture, or ideas)
Bias To have an influenced opinion
Bicameral Has to do with the legislative branch, it means to have two branches
Blockade A tactic used in the Civil War, means to close off or stop supplies from entering or leaving a port
Boomtown A town that is changing, in a good way, very fast
Capitalism Private ownership of businesses and competition
Captain of Industry A person who is very rich who has worked his/her way to the top
Checks and Balances Each branch of the government has some control over the other two branches
Congress The branch known as the Legislative branch
Due Process of Law Same and fair treatment in the court system
Economics A certain economy that works towards the consumption, production, and the transfer of wealth
Emancipated To be declared free
Enfranchise To give the right to vote
Enumerated Establish the number of
Federalism Power that is divided between national and state governments
Forty-niners People who took part in the California gold rush
Free Enterprise An economic system where private businesses thrive on competition
Habeas Corpus A law requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge
Industry Processing of raw materials and the manufacturing of goods in factories
Judicial One of the three branches of Government containing the Supreme Court
Ku Klux Klan The first terrorist group of America that scared blacks into not being able to vote
Manifest Destiny The belief that God wanted the people to move westward
Martyr Anybody who is killed for their religious beliefs or other beliefs
Monopoly When one business takes over all of the other businesses and their is no competition
Nomadic Anything or anyone who moves around a lot Ex: Native Americans moved so they could follow their food
Override To reject or cancel one's decision
Popular Sovereignty People are the source of the Governments power
Ratify To approve
Radical To be extreme
Republicanism People elect their political representatives
Robber Baron A cruel and ruthless business man who "stepped" on people to get to where they are
Rural Outside of the urban area- not as big or populated as an urban area
Separation of Powers Where each of the three branches of government have their own problems and responsibilities
Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest among humans and how they adapt
Suffrage To have the right to vote in political elections
Supreme Court The highest court system in America
Tariff A tax or duty that needs to be paid
Taxation Without Representation The colonists were not allowed to pick their representatives in the Parliament therefore were being taxed unfairly
Trade Union Another term/word for labor union
Urban A major populated city with all of the modern perks
Veto To refuse or say no
Thomas Jefferson was our third president, a Founding Father, and wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Andrew Jackson, also known as Stonewall Jackson, forced 10,000 Native Americans to leave their homeland by enacting the Indian Removal Act.
Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition into the Louisiana Purchase to find a water way to the West Coast.
James Polk was our eleventh president. He started the Mexican American war and if it weren't for him there wouldn't be some of the states we have today.
Frederick Douglass was a former escaped slave and an abolitionist.
Harriet Beecher Stowe was a very strong abolitionist. She also wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.
John Brown He was an abolitionist and believed that violence was the answer to ending slavery. He also lead the Harpers Ferry Raid.
Robert E. Lee A Confederate General during the Civil War. He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia on April 14, 1865.
Andrew Johnson Known as the veto president, he was our seventeenth president. He took over after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. He also favored a lenient reconstruction plan
Susan B. Anthony She was a nurse during the Civil War and founded the Red Cross. She also demanded that the utensils that were being used to do surgery be cleaned before each patient.
Sitting Bull Was murdered because he was a Ghost Dance leader. He was also one of the most rebellious leaders towards the whites.
George Custer One of the bravest Civil War generals fighting for the Union. He was one of the main reasons that Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Both a robber baron and captain of industry he worked his way up, but also bribed state officials.
John Rockefeller He was a captain of industry and had many good things under his belt. Such as he founded schools, colleges, and health centers.
Andrew Carnegie He was a complete robber baron. Though he did do many good things in his life, he didn't pay his workers enough and they went on strike. His business partner was in charge but most of the workers died during the Homestead strike.
Jamestown, Virginia One of the first colonies in the new world.
Plymouth, Massachusetts The other first colony in the new world. The main source of production was lumbering, shipbuilding, trade, and fishing.
Concord, Massachusetts Where the British soldiers were heading to get weapons believed to be owned by the colonial militia.
Lexington, Massachusetts Where the civilian militia cut off the British soldiers heading towards Concord.
Erie Canal This is a man made river that connects the Hudson river and Lake Erie. It was built so that settlers West of the Appalachian Mountains could transport goods and crops.
The Alamo The Texans and the Tejanos were prepared to give their lives in order to win the battle. It went on for thirteen days and on the last day, Santa Anna's army won over the rest.
Harpers Ferry Where John Brown went to take all of the Confederates weapons and failed.
Fort Sumter The first shots of the Civil War were fired here- fired by the Confederacy.
Gettysburg The turning point in the Civil War- in favor of the Union.
Appomattox Courthouse Where the Civil War officially ended at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia.
Ford's Theatre This is where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
Promontory Point, Utah This is where the transcontinental railroad was finished.
Ellis Island Located in New York immigrants come from the West to our East coast.
Angel Island Located in California, immigrants heading East will end up on our West coast.
Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4, 1776 by our founding fathers, this marked the day America became free.
Revolutionary War Many things lead to this war one most key point was taxation without representation. The patriots won the war.
Articles of Confederation The first "Constitution" but failed when there were no consequences.
Great Compromise The Virginia plan was based off of population while the New Jersey plan was just to have the same number of representatives for each state. That is how the House of Representatives and the Senate came to be.
Passing of the Constitution Some of the people in the United States didn't want the Constitution to be passed without a Bill of Rights. So when the Constitution was passed it was decided there would be a Bill of Rights.
Adding the Bill of Rights The adding to the Bill of Rights was three years after the Constitution was ratified in 1788.
Louisiana Purchase Was purchased from France in 1803 and it included 17 states or parts of states for only 15 million dollars.
Missouri Compromise Divided the nation into non-slave and slave states by the 36,30 latitude line.
Indian Removal Act The Indian Removal Act was organized by Andrew Jackson, and moved 5 or 6 tribes to reservations in Oklahoma. Also known as the trail of tears.
Mexican- American War America won and James K. Polk was president at the time and we gained the Southwest territory.
California Gold Rush The California gold rush was in 1849 and the people who took place in the gold rush were known as the 49ers.
Homestead Act President Abraham Lincoln signed this act. It gave away Western land with a small fee and a five year condition of residency before the land had an owner.
Industrial Revolution A point in American history where our technology started to excel. People moved form rural to urban areas. Streets were dirty and many people died of diseases.
Underground Railroad Part of the slavery time period, it was a way for slaves to escape to freedom. The biggest leader of the underground railroad was Harriet Tubman.
Seneca Falls Convention The women of America got together at Seneca Falls to form the first Women's rights meeting.
Compromise of 1850 This compromise banned slave trade in Washington D.C. and temporarily preserved the union. It also added California as a free state and the rest of the Southwest territory got to vote whether they were a free or slave state.
Kansas- Nebraska Act Western territories that were North of the Missouri compromise line were off limits to slavery and it also led to Bleeding Kansas.
Dred Scott v. Sanford Dred Scott and his owner moved to a free state. After living there for some time he decided to sue for his freedom. His appeal was denied, and it was said that slaves are property not people.
Fugitive Slave Act This act made it to where any black man or woman or child who was in the North would no longer be safe. The black people where always scared because the white people where allowed to capture them and return/put in the South.
Bleeding Kansas It was a series of political problems that included the Free- Staters and the Border Ruffians.
Civil War The Civil War took place after most of the South seceded from the United States, forming the Confederacy. After the war had started the secondary goal was to end slavery.
Emancipation Proclamation The Emancipation Proclamation was issued after Gettysburg and Vicksburg, and it officially ended slavery- but most of the slaves were not released.
Civil War Draft Riots These riots took place mainly in the North because the North needed soldiers to fight in the Civil War. But the riots were because the richer people wee able to pay to get out of the war and the poorer people couldn't and were forced into the war.
Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln gave this speech after the battle of Gettysburg and it honored the ones who died.
Reconstruction The time period after the Civil War, where the South was being rebuilt. Also known as the 2nd Civil War.
13th Amendment The 13th amendment formally abolished slavery in America.
14th Amendment The 14th amendment gave black people birth rights.
15th amendment The 15th amendment gave African- American men the right to vote.
Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad In 1869 it was completed and it made travel easier for the people who wanted to move West.
Gilded Age The time period after Reconstruction where the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Populist's Party The party that was created for the people so that the farmers and such. Also known as the People's Party.
Plessy v. Ferguson Plessy sat in a white railway car and was arrested. He went to the Supreme Court and claimed his Constitutional rights were violated, but the courts said that they were not it was merely a distinction between whites and blacks.
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