Midwifery Mnemonics


Simple mnemonics to help midwifery students
Persis Thangam
Flashcards by Persis Thangam, updated more than 1 year ago
Persis Thangam
Created by Persis Thangam almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Types Of Pelvis (GAP) G - Gynaecoid A - Android/Anthropoid P - Plateypelloid
Prenatal Care Questions (ABCDEF) A - Amniotic Fluid Leakage? B - Bleeding Vaginally? C - Contractions? D - Dysuria? E - Edema? F - Fetal Movements?
Symptoms of pre-eclampsia (PRE) P - Proteinuria R - Rising BP E - Edema
Causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy (LARA CROFT) L - Labour A - Abruptio placenta R - Rupture (ectopic/uterine) A - Abortion C -Cholestasis R - Rectus sheath hematoma O - Ovarian tumor F - Fibroids T - Torsion of the uterus
Management of preterm labour (PASTA) P - Pain relief A - Antibiotics S - Steroid therapy T - Tocolytics A - After ascertaining an aetiology
Tocolytic Agents (Its Not My Time) I - Indomethecin (NSAID) N - Nifedipine (Calcium channel blockers) M - Magnesium Sulphate T - Terbutane (Adrenergic agonist)
Cardiotocography (DR C BRAVADO) DR - Define Risk C - Contractions B-Baseline RA- RAte V - Variablility A - Acceleration D - Deceleration O - Overall assessment ( followed by a management plan)
Uterine Contraction Assessment (Drop It First) D -Duration (how long) I - Intensity (how strong) F - Frequency (how often)
Fetal Acceleration & Deceleration (VEAL CHOP) V - Variable Deceleration E - Early Deceleration A- Acceleration L - Late Acceleration C - Cord compression H - Head Compression O - Okay P - Placental insufficiency
Criteria for forceps delivery (FORCEPS) F - Full dilatation O - Occiput Anterior R - Ruptured membranes C - Cephalic E - Empty bladder P - Pain relief S - Size of the baby/pelvis
Cord prolapse management (CORD) C - Call for help O - Organize delivery R - Relieve pressure on cord D - Deliver
Causes for shoulder dystocia (PPPP) P - Passenger (Large baby) P - Passage (pelvic type) P - Propulsion (uterine contraction) P - Proportion (CPD)
Shoulder Dystocia Management (HELPERR) H - call for Help E - Evaluate for Episiotomy L - Legs (McRobert's maneuver) P - supra-pubic Pressure E - Enter maneuver's (internal rotation) R - Remove the posterior arm R - Roll the patient
Causes of PPH (TTTT) T - Tissue (retained placenta) T - Tone (uterine atony) T - Trauma (traumatic delivery/episiotomy) T - Thrombin (coagulation disorders/DIC)
Risk factors for PPH (PP PARTUM) P - Polyhydramnios P - Previous cesarean P - Prolonged labour A - Ante-partum Haemorrhage R - Recent bleeding T - Twins U - Uterine fibroids M - Multiparity
Indication for Cesarean Section (MICE CAME) M - Malpresentation I - Induction of labour failure C - Cephalo-Pelvic Disproportion; Contracted pelvis E - Eclampsia C -Cercival cancer A - Antepatum Haemorrhage M - Medical illness complicating pregnancy E - Elderly primigravida
Causes of Post-partum Pyrexia (5Ws & B) W - Wind: Atelectasis, Pneumonia W - Womb: Endometritis W - Wound: Cesarean section site W - Water: UTI W - Walking: DVT, Thrombophlebitis B - Breast: Engorgement, Mastitis
Postnatal Assessment (BUBBLE HE) B - Breasts U - Uterus B - Bowel B - Bladder L -Lochia E- Episiotomy H -Homan's sign E - Emotional status
Newborn Assessment (APGAR) A - Appearance P - Pulse G - Grimace A - Activity R - Respiration
Oral Contraception Complications (ACHES) A - Abdominal pain C - Chest pain (shortness of breath) H - Headaches (sudden/persistent CVA/ increased BP) E - Eye problems (vascular accident on increased BP) S - Severe leg pain (Thromboembolic process)
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