Week 2 - DLR study guide


Weekly wrap up quiz over the daily language review for 5th grade.
Jaymi Johnston
Flashcards by Jaymi Johnston, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jaymi Johnston
Created by Jaymi Johnston almost 4 years ago
Jaymi Johnston
Copied by Jaymi Johnston almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A person, place, or thing Ex: player, hospital, pizza
An action Ex: jumping, hugging, laughing
These describe the action being done Ex: loudly, boldly, quietly
These describe nouns Ex: purple, hairy, shiny
These are words that take the place of nouns (and keep you from repeating yourself when writing or speaking) Ex: he, she, they, them, his, her, I, you
These words connect the noun with words that answer where, when, what, or who Ex: through, below, of, to, around
These are used to refer to actions that took place in the past Ex: ran, kicked, slept, caught, studied
there: a position, not "here" they're: they are their: belonging to a group
comparative words compare two things Ex: Teddy is older than Buster. (older) superlative words compare 2 or more things Ex: Her nails are long. Her mother's nails are longer. Her best friends' nails are the longest. (long, longer, longest)
Synonyms are words that mean the same or almost the same. (pretty and beautiful) Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning. (tall and short)
Similes compare two things using "like" or "as." (as white as snow) Metaphors compare but do not use "like" or "as."
Give an example of each.
Give an example of each.
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