spanish I flashcards


Unit I
Flashcards by dla2681, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dla2681 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
bailar to dance
cantar to sing
correr to run
dibujar to draw
escribir cuentos to write stories
escuchar musica to listen to music
esquiar to ski
hablar por telefono to talk on the phone
ir a la ascuela to go to school
jugar videojuegos to play video games
leer revistas to read magazines
montar en bicicleta to ride a bicycle
montar en monopatin to skateboard
nadar to swim
pasar tiempo con amigos to spend time with friends
patinar skate
practicar deportes to play sports
tocar la guitarra to play the guitar
trabajar to work
usar la computadora to use the computer
ver la tele to watch television
A mi me gusta I like to _____.
A mi me gusta mas _____ I like to _____ better.
A mi me gusta mucho ______ I like to _____ a lot.
A mi tambien. I do too.
A mi no me gusta I don't like to ______.
A mi no me gusta nada _____. I don't like to _____ at all.
A mi tampoco I don't (like to) either.
el almuerzo lunch
la clase class
la clase de .... .... class
arte art
espanol Spanish
ciencias naturales science
ciencias sociales social studies
educacion fisica physical education
ingles English
matematicas mathematics
tecnologia technology/computers
el horario schedule
en la ...... hora in the ... hour (class period)
la tarea homework
ensenar to teach
estudiar to study
hablar to talk
primero, -a first
Segundo, -a second
tercero, -a third
cuarto, -a fourth
quinto, -a fifth
sexton, -a sixth
septimo, -a seventh
octavo, -a eighth
novena, -a ninth
decimo, -a tenth
la calculador calculator
la carpeta de argollas three-ring binder
el diccionario dictionary
necesito I need
necesitas you need
aburrido, -a boring
dificil difficult
divertido, -a amusing, fun
facil easy
favorito, -a favorite
interesante interesting
practico, -a practical
mas....que more....than
a ver Let's see
Quien? Who?
para for
mucho a lot
yo tengo I have
tu tienes you have
yoSubject pronouns yo nosotors nosotras tu vosotros vosotras usted ustedes el ellos ella ellas Subject pronouns I we we female you you males you females you formal you plural formal he they male she they female
HABLAR habla hablas habla hablamos hablais hablan TO TALK I talk you talk he/she talks we talk you talk formal they talk
artistico-a artistic
atrevido,-a daring
bueno, -a good
deportista sports-minded
desordenado, -a messy
estudioso,-a studious
gracioso, -a funny
impaciente impatient
inteligente intelligent
ordenado, -a neat
paciente patient
perezoso, -a lazy
reservado, -a reserved, shy
serio, -a serious
simpatico, -a nice, friendly
sociable sociable
talentoso, -a talented
trabajador, -ora hardworking
Como eres What are you like?
Como es? What is he/ she like?
Como se llama? What's his /her name?
Eres? Are you?
le gusta... he/she likes ....
no le gusta he/ she doesn't like . . .
soy I am
no soy I am not
es he/she is
el amigo male friend
la amiga female friend
el chico boy
la chica girl
la familia family
yo I
el he
ella she
a veces sometimes
muy very
pero but
segun according to
segun mi familia according to my family
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