

Test your spanish vocabulary with 200 flashcards
Teddy-Ann Quam
Flashcards by Teddy-Ann Quam, updated more than 1 year ago
Teddy-Ann Quam
Created by Teddy-Ann Quam almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Manzana apple
alumno student
Mochila bag
Silla Chair
Goma Eraser
Libro Book
Pollo Chicken
Mango Mango
Pescado Fish
piña Pineapple
Platano plantain
La papa/ la patata Potato
Helado ice cream
queso cheese
Pastel cake
tomate tomato
leche milk
pan bread
arroz rice
carne meat
pera pear
chocolate chocolate
fresa strawberry
lechuga lettuce
empanada pie
bocadillo sandwich
almuerzo lunch
recreo break
asamblea assembly
casa home
los dientes Teeth
desayuno breakfast
camiseta T-shirt
calle street
parque park
filamente finally
escuela school
pizarra blackboard
carta letter
cara my face
aburrida boring
la vida life
de verdad in truth
quizas perhaps
mes month
periodico newspaper
cambio change
luego then
cena dinner
sueno tired
con with
tareas chores
gamon ham
donde where
cantina canteen
canal channel
otros what
noticias news
interesan interested
los deportes sports
caribe caribbean
resultado result
divertida fun
emocionante excited
infantil childish
comica comedy
terrorifica terror/horror
tonta stupid
graciosa funny
demacia too much
pasatiempo hobbies
tipo type
lo siento i am sorry
cabeza head
tampoco either
roto broken
oido ear
nariz nose
cuelle neck
garganta throat
mano hand
estomago stomach
perna leg
pie foot
tobillo ankle
rodilla knee
dedo finger
brazo arm
codo elbow
hombro shoulder
espalda back
boca mouth
los ojos eyes
ropa clothes
basura garbage
piso floor
carro car
aspiradora vacuum cleaner
bano bathroom
comida food
mesa table
compras shopping
camas beds
dormitorios bedroom
edificios buildings
embargo however
interesantes interesting
ciudad city
alrededor around
tambien also
turisticas tourists
montanas mountains
playas beach
economia economy
depende depend
encantador(a) delightful
iglesia church
ayuntamiento town hall
comisario police station
farmacia pharmacy
costa coast/shore
biblioteca library
adonde where
abogado/a lawyer
azafata/aermoza air hostess
piloto pilot
cantante singer
carpintero/a carpenter
cientifico/a scientist
cocinero chef
contador(a) accountant
deportisa sportsperson
disenador(a) designer
electicista electrician
enfermo/a nurse
educado/a educated
solitario/a alone/solitary
madrugador(a) early riser
imparcial fair/just
artistico/a artist
honesto/a honest
alegre happy
callado/a quiet
transnochador noctural
escrupuloso precise
activo/a active
creativo/a creative
sincero/a sincere
curioso/a curious
sociable sociable
cortes/cortesa courteous
leal loyal
practico practical
simpatico/a kinda
responsable responsible
paciente patient
imaginativo/a imaginative
justo just
mío, mía mine
pato duck
suyo yours, hers, theirs
cebolla onion
pájaros birds
su your, her, hsi
el abrigo the coat
La falda the skirt
el traje the suit
cinturón belt
corbata tie
suéter sweater
gafas glasses
Cuáles which
llaves keys
¿Qué? what?
animales animals
¿Cuánto? how much
¿Cuántos? How many
¿Cuándo? When?
nadar to swim
pingüino penguin
pagar to pay
tocar to play, to touch
amarillo yellow
grises grey
ni nor, neither, not
por qué Why?
que that, what, who
si (not to be confused with sí) if, whether
mientras while, as long as
cuando when
aunque though, although, even if
como as, like
sino but, but rather
Y versus E If the word after y (and) starts with i or hi, then you need to use e instead of y. padre e hijo
Mucho ruido y pocas nueces all talk and no action
Donde fuego se hace, humo sale where there is smoke, there is a fire
Barriga llena, corazón contento A fully belly and a happy heart
No todo lo que brilla es oro all that shines is not gold
Quien espera, desespera a watched pot never boils
El amor es ciego love is blind
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