Landscape Ecology


Flashcards on Landscape Ecology, created by Robert Draper on 20/09/2013.
Robert Draper
Flashcards by Robert Draper, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Draper
Created by Robert Draper over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
edge portion of an ecosystem or cover type near its perimeter within which environmental conditions may differ from interior locations within the ecosystem: used as a measure of length of the adjacency between cover types on a landscape.
fragmentation breaking up of a habitat or cover type into smaller, disconnected parcels
heterogeneity quality or state consisting of dissimilar elements, as with mixed habitats or cover types occurring on a landscape; opposite of homogeneity, in which elements are the same.
homogeneity quality or state consisting of similar elements on a landscape; opposite of heterogeneity
landscape area that is spatially heterogeneous in at least one factor of interest.
matrix background cover type in a landscape, characterised by extensive cover and high connectivity; not all landscapes have a definable matrix
patch surface area that differs from its surroundings in nature or appearance
scale spatial or temporal dimension of an object or process, characterised by both grain and extent
Landscape Ecology concepts theories and methods that examine the importance of spatial patterning on interacting ecosystems
configuration specific arrangement of spatial elements; used synonymously with spatial or patch structure
connectivity spatial continuity of a habitat or cover type across a landscape
corridor relatively narrow strip of a particular type differing from adjacent areas
cover type category within a user defined classification scheme that distinguishes between the different habitats ecosystems or vegetation types on the landscape
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