Collectivisation of Agriculture - First Half


A-Levels China history Flashcards on Collectivisation of Agriculture - First Half, created by jacksearle on 18/09/2013.
Flashcards by jacksearle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jacksearle about 11 years ago

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Question Answer
Mutual Aid Teams First stage of collectivisation - encouraged from 1951. Usually composed of 10 or less households, often of same kinship. Members pooled labour and equipment, particularly at key times of year eg Harvest. Ownership of land and products remained private. By end of 1952, 40% of peasant households were team members.
Agricultural Producers' Cooperatives (APCs) Central management of land but still under private ownership. 3-5 teams involved, 30-50 households. Members contributed labour, animals & equipment and received a share in proportion to what they put in.
Timing of APCs First established in 1951, but none existed in SE China before 1954. Pace of change varied massively with much debate within the party over the correct timescale.
APCs - Richer Peasants Richer peasants were tempted in by compensation paid in installments to them for the use of their superior equipment or greater number of animals
The push for APCs Drive for APCs became general in 1953. Some senior figures argues it was pointless pushing them too far until there was machinery for APCs to buy. Mao ignored this and pushed them forward, arguing that APCs needed to exist first as a market for machinery, but Mao was sensitive to real peasant resistance.
Resistance to APCs Tended to be in areas where the local party tried to jump straight to APC's where there were no mutual aid teams in place. 1953 Mao reacted to increased resistance by condemning 'Rash Advance'. Ending the push saw growth in rural capitalism and rich peasants hiring labour and buying land. This brought a condemnation of 'Rash Retreat'.
Introduction to Collectivisation of Agriculture Always assumed that land reform would be only the first stage the process that would build socialism in countryside and release the resources in terms of food and labour for industrial growth. it was argued that larger units of production=more efficient=produce more with less labour. However CCP were well aware of what happened when USSR did this in the early 1930s, where there was massive resistance from the peasantry and production actually fell initally.
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