Photosynthesis and Ecology


Photosynthesis/cycles/food chains and webs
Flashcards by devinandrew58, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by devinandrew58 almost 10 years ago

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Question Answer
what is photosynthesis the process of? Photosynthesis is the process in which light energy, absorbed by chlorophyll is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.
what is the WORD equation for photosynthesis? Carbon Dioxide + water --------> glucose + oxygen
what is the SYMBOL equation for photosynthesis? 6CO2 + 6H20 --------> C6H12O6 + 6O2
List three uses of Glucose and explain them - Respiration, A chemical reaction that releases energy. - Protein Synthesis, protein synthesis is the transcription of mRNA from a DNA gene in the nucleus. - cellulose, an insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibres such as cotton.
List Five ways in which a plant's structure is adapted to take out the the process of photosynthesis. 1. Their leaves are usually broad to absorb as much light energy as possible. 2. They have a network of veins to carry water and minerals to the leaf. 3. They have thin leaves to allow substances to move quickly between cells. 4. They have petiole, which holds the leaf at an angle so it faces the sun and absorb as much light as possible. 5. Their leaves are green, as it contains chlorophyll to absorb light.
What is the law of limiting factors? When a process depends on two or more factors, the rate of that process is limited by the factor which is in shortest supply. e.g. The rate of photosynthesis in a plant can be limited by: - light intensity -Available Water -temperature
List the stages of the Nitrogen cycle. - Nitrogen Fixation - Decomposition -Nitrification -Denitrification
List the stages of the Water Cycle. -Precipitation, water falling out of the clouds in all forms. -Evaporation, water on the ground is then turned into water vapour. -Transpiration, plants persprise and gets evaporated. -Condensation, the water vapour is then turned into liquid water. The cycle repeats.
List the stages in the Carbon cycle. 1.Carbon enters the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from respiration and combustion. 2.Carbon dioxide is absorbed by producers to make carbohydrates in photosynthesis. 3.Animals feed on the plant passing the carbon compounds along the food chain. Most of the carbon they consume is exhaled as carbon dioxide formed during respiration. The animals and plants eventually die. 4.The dead organisms are eaten by decomposers and the carbon in their bodies is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. In some conditions decomposition is blocked. The plant and animal material may then be available as fossil fuel in the future for combustion.
What does a food chain display? Food chains show the feeding relationships between living things. Pyramids of biomass reveal the mass of living material at each stage in a chain. The amount of material and energy decreases from one stage to the next. Food production is more efficient if the food chain is short, or if energy losses from animals are reduced.
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