Book Vocabulary Ch. 7-9


9th grade Intensive Reading! :) Flashcards on Book Vocabulary Ch. 7-9, created by carlockb on 16/09/2013.
Flashcards by carlockb, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carlockb over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Orthodontist a dentist who straightens teeth
Intimidating make you feel unsure or not confident
Grimace twist your face because you do not like something
Acquianted Someone you have met
Twinge sudden feeling of a slight pain
Extension long cord attached to the phone so you can reach farther
Drowsy tired and almost asleep
Transistor small piece of electronic equiment that controls the flow of electricity
Optimum least or most suited for a purpose or situation
Octaves range of notes in a scale
Eternity period of time that seems very long
Klutz clumsy
Initiation starting something with an official ceremony
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