Equipment Used and Purpose


GCSE Food Technology Flashcards on Equipment Used and Purpose, created by Becca Westwell on 16/02/2015.
Becca Westwell
Flashcards by Becca Westwell, updated more than 1 year ago
Becca Westwell
Created by Becca Westwell almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Electonic scales Weigh food accurately.
Depositor Put exact amounts of ingredients into different containers at the same time.
Mandolin Slice food portions equally.
Food processor Blends and mixes ingredients.
Hand blender Used to puree food, e.g. in soups.
Dough hook Mixing and kneading dough.
Electric whisk. Whisks ingredients saving time and effort.
Cutters Ensure food is the same shape and size, e.g. biscuit cutters.
Temperature probe Checks temperature in high risk foods.
Tunnel oven Ensures continuous even cooking using a conveyor belt.
Deck oven Cooks a batch of several foods at the same time.
Boiling vats Huge drums used for cooking liquids, e.g. soups and chocolate.
Date-stamping machine Label packaged food with a date stamp.
Deep fat fryer To fry food e.g. chips and fish in batter.
Liquidiser Blends food down to liquid e.g. soup.
Grilling machine Chicken and red meats are cooked in it to drain the fat.
Electric Steamer A healthy way to cook fish and chicken.
Pasta maker Shapes and makes pasta.
Double pan Boils water in the bottom pan and melts chocolate in the top.
Measuring cups Measures things like flour, useful when making bread.
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