Periodicity: Periodic trends across a period and down a group


Flashcards on Periodicity: Periodic trends across a period and down a group, created by kadyn drummond on 02/12/2019.
kadyn drummond
Flashcards by kadyn drummond, updated more than 1 year ago
kadyn drummond
Created by kadyn drummond over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Atomic Radius across a period There is a decrease in atomic radii as you move left to right across a period this is due to the increase of nuclear charge and an increase in the number of electrons.
Atomic Radius down a group Atomic radii increases as you move down a group due to an increase in the number of mainshells and an increase in shielding effect.
Ionic Radius across a period Ionic Radius decreases across a period to group 15 where it increases and then it decreases again.
Ionic Radius down a group Ionic Radius increases down a group due to more mainshells of electrons and increase in shielding effect.
Ionization Energy across a period Ionization Energy increases across a period due to an increase in nuclear charge and a smaller radius.
Ionization Energy down a group Ionization Energy decreases down a group because the electrons are farther from the nucleus causing a greater shielding effect.
Electronegativity across a period Electronegativity increases across a period due to an increase in nuclear charge and the decrease in atomic radius, the nucleus has a greater pull on the nucleus.
Electronegativity down a group Electronegativity decreases down a group due to an increase in the mainshells and increase in shielding effect, the pull of the nucleus on the electrons is lessened.
Electron Affinity across a period Electron Affinity increases across a period because of the increase in nuclear charge and the smaller radius makes it easier to pull an electron into the valence shell.
Electron Affinity down a group Electron Affinity decreases down a group because the valence shell is farther away from the nucleus and there is more shielding effect.
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