Geography G2: Changing Human Environments (1.1)


Question + answer cards for section 1.1 of WJEC AS Geography G2
Flashcards by tamsinnbailey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tamsinnbailey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is meant be life expectancy? The average number of years a person is expected to live
What is meant by crude death rate? The ratio of the number of deaths per annum to the total population, expressed per 1000 people
What is the total fertility rate? The number of births to a women over her lifetime
What is the crude birth rate? The ratio of the number of births per annum to the total population, expressed per 1000 people
What is meant by natural increase? The excess of births over death
What is measured by the infant mortality rate? The number of deaths of children under 1 year old per 1000 live births
What is measured by the maternal mortality rate? The deaths of women in childbirth per 100,000 live births
What is in-migration? The flow of people over a given time period (year/decade) into a country or area, on either a temporary or permanent basis
What is out-migration? The flow of people over a given period of time (year/decade) out of a country or area, either on a temporary or permanent basis (opposite to in-migration)
What is net population change? The change in a country over a period of time when both natural change + migration change have been taken into account (expressed as number/percentage)
What is migration balance? The excess of in-migration over out-migration (or visa versa)
What is migration? The movement of people from one administrative area to another, which results in the change of permanent residence
How is population data normally collected? Using ten-yearly censuses
What total fertility rate is needed for MEDCs to maintain the level of population? 2.1 children per woman aged 15-45 per 1000 women
What was the total fertility rate in Italy in 2005? 1.3
What was the total fertility rate in the U.K in 2005? 1.7
What was the total fertility rate in Islamic countries in 2005? 4.1 (average)
The population of Yemen is projected to increase by what percentage by 2050? 121%
What percentage of the world's population growth have Africa + Asia contributed since 1950? 81%
What percentage of the world's population growth has Europe contributed since 1950? 4.4%
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