Pursuing life and liberty presidents


AS level History unit 1 (pursuing life and liberty) Flashcards on Pursuing life and liberty presidents, created by Lucy-Wood on 09/02/2015.
Flashcards by Lucy-Wood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Lucy-Wood almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
HARRY TRUMAN 1945 - 1953 (2 TERMS)
DWIGHT . D . EISENHOWER 1953 - 1961 (2 TERMS)
JOHN . F . KENNEDY 1961 - 1963 (1 TERM) SHOT!
LYNDON . B . JOHNSON 1963 - 1969
WAYS TRUMAN HELPED BLACKS? -Appointed a large number of AA's to high profile government jobs - in 1948 he supported NAACP in SHEELY v. KRAEMER - in 1950 he desegregated a canteen in Washington. in 1947 he gave speech to NAACP saying all Americans were entitled to full civil rights (brave)
WAYS TRUMAN DID NOT HELP BLACKS? - He did not pass the anti lynching laws - never addressed segregation in healthcare and education -the fair deal programme committed the government to building homes in the ghettos, but most of these were demolished due to under funding.
TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS? Truman desegregated the armed forces in 1948
WHAT DID EISENHOWER DO FOR BLACKS? - in 1953 Eisenhower called for publicity, persuasion and conscience to help end racial discrimination - he reaffirmed trumans commitment to desegregation of the military - he worked against discrimination in federal facilities in Washington. HE ONLY ACTED WHEN FORCED!!!
EMMET TILL (1955) - whistled at a white girl - his body was found in a mississipi river - tills mother had an open casket funeral - This was the first time white men were charged for murdering a black man - they were found not guilty - Eisenhower made no comment! - rude! - his murder encouraged many people to become civil rights activists
AUTHERINE LUCY 1955 - Eisenhower kept quiet about the expulsion of the first black student at a university -Lucy applied, was accepted then denied her application when they found out she was black. - she took the university to court with help of NAACP Eisenhower seemed to hope that race relations would somehow gradually improve of their own accord
WHAT FACTORS ACCOUNT FOR THE SUCESSES OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS CAMPAIGN IN 1955-1960? !!!!!!ONLY MENTION EISNEHOWER!!!!!! - Media coverage - support of Eisenhower? - Perseverance of indiviuals - White sympathy: mainly at the freedom rides - Organisation (CORE, NAACP, SNCC, SCLC) - Aggressive white reaction (bad media for whites) - Black consciousness
1957 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT (under Eisenhower) aimed to ensure ALL citizens could vote (Eisnhower wanted to win) the bill was passed but it was weak: it did little to help blacks - any public official obstructing a black voter would be tried by an all white jury - i.e they'd be let off therefore never led to de facto change.
1960 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT (still under Eisenhower) Eisenhower was concerned about bombings of black school and churches. The civil rights act only added 3% to voter registers during 1960. - again no real change.
HOW KENNEDY DIDNT HELP BLACKS? freedom rides: Kennedy was reluctant to intervene. University: James Meredith wanted to go to university but they declined. he got in with the help of Kennedy :) Laws: He took a long time putting civil right laws forward - didn't want to upset white voters.
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