flash cards for IT


Flashcards on flash cards for IT, created by Jack Evans on 14/10/2019.
Jack Evans
Flashcards by Jack Evans, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Evans
Created by Jack Evans almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Communication Where you communicate with others online. E.g. Snap chat, discord, Instagram, Facebook messenger.
Real Time Services Online services that update regularly. E.g. Flight Trackers, News, Stock market.
Commerce An online commerce is when you are able to purchase something online. E.g. Auction, Ebay, Amazon
Government Things that the government can do online. E.g. Tax returns, Car insurance, Grants and Benefits.
Education thing that provide resources online for you to revise. E.g. BBC bitesize
Entertainment Online entertainment. E.g. YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, Online Gaming
Business What a business can do to support itself. E.g.
Download services Things that you can download online. E.g. Games, Music, Videos
VLE A virtual learning environment where you can have work at your home through the internet. E.g. Google Drive and Google Classroom
PayPerClick (affiliate model) PPC: is when a person who owns a company gets paid every time there link is clicked
Four Types of online advertises Banners, Popups, Emails, Hyperlinks
Why do companies advertise online so more people can see their ads
How online advertising can be annoying advertising can be annoying through Popup ads and spam emails
Online Communities A group of people who communicate online about a certain topic
Network of friends A network of friends is when you have friends online E.g. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook
Virtual World The virtual world is everything online
Blog A blog is an online journal
Micro-blog your current status on a social media E.g. Twitter
Chatroom A chatroom is a place that people go to talk online
Wiki A wiki is a place online that holds information about certain topics E.g. Wikipedia, Wiki-how
Podcast A downloaded audio file
Chat Chat is a part of a game or website where you can talk to people in real time online
Netiquette rules of the behaviour on the internet E.g. all CAPITALS WHEN TALKING
Profile A brief description of you online on any site like Facebook or Instagram
Avatar A image you create so people can see and recognize you by.
VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) A way of talking to someone over the internet E.g. Skype, discord, Face-time, ETC.
Advantages of VoIP There are less travel costs and you can contact anyone anywhere in the world
Ubiquitous computing/The internet everywhere. anything that can sense something digitally E.g. smart fridge, amazon go
online software advantages the advantages of online software are: saved and backed up automatically, sometimes completely free
disadvantages of online software can get hacked and personal data is released without consent
standalone software when you purchase a download disk and install it onto your personal computer
advantages of standalone software isn't connected to the internet so if the internet goes down the download and installation with continue without internet and it will boot up quickly
disadvantages of standalone software you don't get the latest update of the software and it could cost hundreds of pounds
backup and restore backup and restore means if you power goes out or your internet all your files will be safe and be able to be accessed once you have restore internet or power
file compression is when you make a file smaller than its original size
index the role of the index is to restore the file to original size after it has been compressed
algorithm a series of numbers followed by calculations which take in input and gives out a output
benefits of file compression it saves space on your hard drive, its easier to move, frees up more space
advantages of collaborative working multiply people can work on the same document at the same time making work faster and more efficient
the importance of version control version control is important as it allows you to go back to a older copy to make changes if something goes wrong
levels of access levels of access allow certain people to work on the document by using either edit, view or comment
file permission the permission you are given when you are able to work on a document
Server The place where your data is sent from to go to the client side
Client The side where your data is sent to from the server
Router The item which connects you to internet and allows you to request data
Backbone a large cable often fiber optic that connects multiple devices into the core of the internet
The internet
Connecting to the internet
Dial up connections Advantages/Disadvantages No need to dig up ground and place new cables uses telephone existing telephone cables Old outdated technology only one person can use the internet and then there is no phone access
Broadband Advantages/Disadvantages Quicker and able to use phone and internet. Wired, Costs more
Wireless Advantages/Disadvantages No cables, portable, Slightly Slower, Costs more
HTTP Stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" it is what all browsers use to display web pages
HTTPS Stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol secure" it's the same as HTTP but it's secure
FTP Stands for "File Transfer Protocol" this protocol allows the transfer of file from either the web to you or you to the web
TCP Stands for "Transmission Control Protocol" TCP is responsible for taking data from client protocol and giving it to the IP
IP Stands for "Internet Protocol" IP is a method where data is sent from one computer to another on the internet
Protocol A protocol is a set of rules and guidelines for communicating data.
How web pages are viewed
Hyperlinks a Hyperlink is a reference to data that the reader can follow by clicking or tapping. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document.
Browsers Your browser is a software application that lets you visit web pages on the Internet.
Web servers A Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the files that form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers' HTTP clients.
URL diagram
URL URL stands for "uniform resource locator" it consists of the protocol, domain, path
Client side Client-side refers to operations that are performed by the client in a client–server relationship in a computer network.
search engine A search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web.
server side Server-side refers to operations that are performed by the server in a client–server relationship in a computer network.
spider/web crawler A web crawler (also known as a web spider or web robot) is a program or automated script which browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. This process is called Web crawling or spidering. Many legitimate sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data.
store and forward when a message is sent it's stored in a server ready for when the recipient comes online the message will me forwarded to them
contact group a group of people on email to be easily contacted
CC (carbon copy) you can use CC to send multiple copies to multiple people at once
BCC (blind carbon copy) blind carbon copy is a method of sending multiple emails to people with out letting them know there is other people with the same email
benefits of email quick messages can send multiple emails at once
drawbacks of email can't access email without the internet when using email you can receive spam mail
SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) it is a communication protocol for email this sends the email to the server
IAMP (internet message access protocol) used for webmail. pulls mail from the server when suggested but saves it to the server
POP3 (post office protocol 3) pulls the mail from the server when the client requests it
webmail webmail is mail used by the internet
email client the email client is the device used to access your emails
packet switching packet switching is the process of data being broken into "packets" before being sent through a network and then reassembled at the other end. this method is used on the internet
simplex simplex is one way transmission of data such as your TV remote
full duplex full duplex is where you can send two sets of data back and forth like your mobile phones
half duplex half duplex is where two sets of data can be sent but only one at a time such as a radio (walkie talkie)
shielded and unshielded twisted pair cables it's used for telephones and shielded twisted pair are used to connect computers to networks the drawbacks are cross-talk and interference
coaxial cables used for connecting satellites to a tv
Infrared commonly used for TV controllers infrared has a low range radio frequency benefits: reliable disadvantages: requires no obstructions, and can only use one infrared item at one time.
Bluetooth Bluetooth is a wireless connection that is easy to use benefits: Affordable, low energy consumption disadvantages: needs to be in signal range can suffer from interference
client side processing client side processing is where your device processes parts of the data sent by the web page
server side processing server side processing is where the server will process the data that the client has sent it can process a lot more than the client side
advantages of client side speed as it doesn't have to send data back and forth and security as data can not be intercepted in the way as it does when sent over the internet
disadvantages of client side they are browser specific browser process scripts in different ways and therefore the web page owner and they will not be sure on how there page will appear on screen computer speed as the web page owner is reliant on the processor speed of the client side device
database a database is a collection of data lot's websites and businesses use databases
Table a table in database is where the data is stored the table is split up into different sections these are records and fields
fields the columns in a table store categories called fields,for example name, address, gender,date of birth
record a row in a table that stores data about a single item is a record, for example information about one learner.
primary key this is a unique piece of data which identifies one record. for example, a student ID number.
foreign key this is the primary key in a different table and creates a relationship
online database an online database uses the internet to share access to it from locations all around the world.
local database a local database is stored and accessed on it's own network. this means data is more protected as data is not moving across the internet.
online databases feature 1 feature is you can access the database anywhere as long as you have internet
local database feature a local database can only be accessed by people on that network
threats to data
opportunist make sure that your computers are logged off
virus keep anti virus updated and installed
the freedom of information act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities public organisations are required to give you your information if you request it
the copyright, designs and patents act copyright gives the creators of some types of media rights to control how they're used and distributed. music, book, videos and software can all be covered by this law
8 principles of data protection act
the computer misuse act 1990 -accessing computer material without permission (access without damage). -accessing computer material without permission with intent to commit further criminal offences (access with damage). -altering computer data without permission.
the computer misuse act 1990-methods of access data phishing- asked for personal information piggybacking- hackers getting into a system using a legal way of getting in pharming- when visiting a site and your directed a to fake site where you enter your personal info in and its stolen
technology used for monitoring technology can be used to monitor people's movements and communications. Movement: CCTV GPS Devices Airport passenger Communication: Monitoring email monitoring websites visited logging keywords typed into search engine.
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