Created by Katie Franz
over 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
-Harmonic Scalpel (Ultrasonic scalpel) -Accessory -A grasping instrument that delivers ultrasonic energy between the jaws to coagulate and divide tissue by low-temp cavitation | |
-Halstead Forceps (Mosquito, Hartman) -Clamping & Occluding -Occluding bleeders in small superficial wounds before cauterization or ligation. Usually used in plastic, pediatric, thyroid, and hand. | |
Crile (binary/octet-stream)
-Crile Forceps (Hemostat, snap) -Clamping & Occluding -Occluding bleeders, also blunt dissection when separating planes and tissue. -The most widely used clamp! |
Kelly (binary/octet-stream)
-Kelly Forceps (Hemostat, clamp) -Clamping & Occluding -Occluding bleeders before cauterization or ligation |
-Rochester-Pean Forceps (Pean, Mayo, Kelly-Pean) -Clamping & Occluding -Broader and wider than crile -Occluding larger blood vessels and tissue before ligation, usually in a deeper wound or heavier tissue | |
-Carmalt Forceps (Carmalt, big curved) -Clamping & Occluding -Crosshatch pattern at tips into vertical serrations -Occluding larger blood vessels usually in a deeper wound or heavier tissue -Often what the Kittner is loaded onto | |
Mixter (binary/octet-stream)
-Mixter Forceps (Right Angle, Gemini, Lahey, obtuse/ureter clamp -Clamping & Occluding -Clamp, dissect, and occlude tissue. Often used to place a tie or vessel loop under and around a tubular structure |
Tonsil (binary/octet-stream)
-Adson Forceps (Tonsil, Schnidt, fancy clamp, T&A) -Clamping & Occluding -Horizontal serrations HALFWAY down jaws, long shanks -Clamps small vessels in deep wounds or holds tonsil sponges. Can also create a "tie on a passer" |
-Straight Mayo Scissors (suture scissors) -Cutting & Dissecting -used to cut sutures | |
-Curved Mayo Scissors (Heavy tissue scissors) -Cutting & Dissecting -Dissect heavy fibrous tissue | |
Metz (binary/octet-stream)
-Curved Metzenbaum Scissors (metz, tissue scissors) -Cutting & Dissecting -Dissect delicate tissue -Longer & thinner than Mayo |
Lister (binary/octet-stream)
-Lister Bandage Scissors (bandage scissors) -Cutting & Dissecting -Cuts dressings & drapes, also used in C-sections to open uterus without harming the baby -Flattened tip allows scissors to get under dressings to cut w/o harming patient |
Wire (binary/octet-stream)
-Wire Scissors (wire cutters) -Cutting & Dissecting -Cuts small gauge wire and sutures -Fine serrations on blades, circular notch on inner jaws |
No3 (binary/octet-stream)
-No. 3 Knife Handle (no. 3 scalpel handle, no. 3 handle) -Cutting & Dissecting -Holds blades 10, 11, 12, 15 -Makes skin incisions and fine cuts |
-No. 3 Long Knife Handle (Long knife, long handle, long scalpel) -Cutting & Dissecting -Holds Blades 10, 11, 12, 15 -Used for precision cutting deep within a wound | |
No7 (binary/octet-stream)
-No. 7 Knife Handle (No. 7 scalpel handle, no. 7 handle) -Cutting & Dissecting -Holds blades 10, 11, 12, 15 -Used when precision cutting is needed in a confined space or deep wound |
-No. 10 Blade -Cutting & Dissecting -Used for making skin incisions -Extensive body blade with a curved cutting edge to the tip | |
No11 (binary/octet-stream)
-No. 11 Blade -Cutting & Dissecting -Used for puncturing the skin or to initiate opening of an artery -Angled cutting edge that ascends to a sharp point -Commonly loaded onto a no. 7 handle |
-No. 12 Blade (Sickle knife, tonsil blade) -Cutting & Dissecting -Used during tonsillectomies, parotid surgeries, septoplasties, and cleft palate. Can also remove calculi from ureters and kidneys -Crescent shaped blade along inside edge of the curve | |
-No. 15 Blade -Cutting & Dissecting -Used to create small & precise incisions -Commonly used for pediatric & plastic & reconstructive -Narrow blade with small rounded cutting edge | |
-No. 4 Knife Handle (No. 4 scalpel handle, no. 4 handle) -Cutting & Dissecting -Used with no. 20 blade to create a larger and deeper incision in heavy tissue areas -Holds blades 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 | |
-No. 20 Blade -Cutting & Dissecting -Used w/ no. 4 handle to create large deep incision on heavy tissues and bone -Broader body blade with curved cutting edge | |
Beaver (binary/octet-stream)
-Beaver Handle (Round handle) -Cutting & Dissecting -Used for precision cutting in a confined space. The rounded tip has slots to accept a blade. |
-Plain Adson Tissue Forceps (Adson dressing forceps) -Grasping & Holding -Used for grasping delicate tissue -Fine tips with horizontal serrations (no teeth) | |
-Toothed Adson Tissue Forceps (Adson w/ teeth, rat tooth) -Grasping & Holding -Aligns edges of a wound during stapling, grasps superficial tissue to place Steri-Strips | |
-Brown-Adson Tissue Forceps (Brown forceps) -Grasping & Holding -Used for grasping superficial delicate tissues -Each side of tip there is 2 rows of interlocking teeth | |
-Plain Tissue Forceps (Semken dressing forceps, smooth, tissue forceps without teeth) -Grasping & Holding -Used for grasping tissue & dressing application -Atraumatic, horizontal serrations | |
-Toothed Tissue Forceps (Semken tissue forceps, rat tooth, tissue forceps with teeth) -Grasping & Holding -Used for grasping moderate to heavy tissue & during wound closure | |
-Debakey Tissue Forceps (Debakey's, Debakes) -Grasping & Holding -Grasps tissue, common in cardiac, vascular, and GI procedures -A set of parallel fine serrations runs the length of one jaw and the other has a center row that interlock when closed | |
Bonney (binary/octet-stream)
-Bonney Tissue Forceps (Victor Bonney, Victors) -Grasping & Holding -Grasps heavy tissue, muscle, or bone -Interlocking teeth, horizontal serrations |
-Ferris-Smith Tissue Forceps (Big Ugly's) -Grasping & Holding -Grasps heavy tissue, muscle, or bone -Crisscross pattern serration | |
-Singley Tissue Forceps (Tuttle thoracic tissue forceps) -Grasps intestinal tissue, delicate tissues or dressing materials and sponges -Oval shaped tip with serrated jaws | |
-Russian Tissue Forceps (Star forceps, Russian star forceps, Russians) -Grasping & Holding -Used for grasping dense tissue and during wound closure -Rounded tips with starburst pattern serrations | |
-Towel Clip (Penetrating) (Backhaus, Roeder, Jones) -Grasping & Holding -Used for holding towels in place when draping, when grasping tough tissue, and during reduction of small bone fractures -Never use to attach anything to drapes | |
Non penetrating Towel Clip (Atraumatic, Lornas, Ednas) -Grasping & Holding -Used for attaching Boviea and suction to drapes | |
-Forester Sponge Forceps (Fletcher, sponge stick, ring forceps) -Grasping & Holding -Used to create sponge stick, for grasping tissues such as lungs, removing uterine contents | |
Allis (binary/octet-stream)
-Allis Forceps -Grasping & Holding -Used for lifting, holding, and retracting slippery dense tissue that is being removed |
-Babcock Forceps -Grasping & Holding -Used for grasping and encircling delicate structures | |
Kocher (binary/octet-stream)
-Kocher Forceps (Koch, Ochsner) -Grasping & Holding -Grasps tough, fibrous, slipper tissue such as muscle and fascia -Horizontal serrations with interlocking teeth at the tips |
Army (binary/octet-stream)
-Army-Navy Retractor (Army's, Navy's, U.S. retractor) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for retraction of small superficial incisions -Oval opening in middle, one end is longer than the other |
Goelet (binary/octet-stream)
-Goelet Retractor (Bolt retractor) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for retraction of small superficial incisions -Smooth cup shaped blades with crescent-shape lip. One end is longer than the other |
Senn (binary/octet-stream)
-Senn Retractor (Cat Paw) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for retraction of skin edges and deeper tissues of small incisions -One end has 3 claws, the other end is small and laterally bent |
Murphy (binary/octet-stream)
-Murphy Retractor (Rake) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for superficial retraction of wound edges -Four claws and handle has teardrop opening with two prongs on either side |
-Volkman Retractor (Rake, Israeli) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for superficial retraction of wound edges -Two-six claws, handle has teardrop opening | |
Ribbon (binary/octet-stream)
-Ribbon Retractor (Malleable) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for retraction of organs and intestines -Can be bent or molded as needed |
Parker (binary/octet-stream)
-Parker Retractor (Park bench, nested right angle, double round) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for retraction and exposure of a small or shallow wound) -Handheld & double ended |
-Skin Hook (Joseph hook, Gillies hook) -Retracting & Exposing -Used for retraction of skin edges | |
-Weitlaner Retractor -Retracting & Exposing -Used to hold wound edges open -Self retaining with ratchet release -Has three outward curved prongs | |
Gelpi (binary/octet-stream)
-Gelpi Retractor -Retracting & Exposing -Provides wound exposure ranging from superficial to deep -Self retaining with ratchet release -One outward sharp prong on either side |
-Frazier Suction Tip -Suctioning & Aspirating -Used for suctioning in confined spaces | |
Poole (binary/octet-stream)
-Poole Suction Tip (Abdominal sucker) -Suctioning & Aspirating -Used for suctioning large amounts of blood, can be used to suction down shaft of femur during a total hip |
-Yankauer Suction Tip (tonsil, oral) -Suctioning & Aspirating -Used for suctioning in all types of wounds, allows for suctioning without aspirating damage to surrounding tissue | |
-Crile-Wood Needle Holder (fine needle holder, fine needle driver) -Suturing & Stapling -Used for holding delicate to intermediate sized needles -Narrow rounded tip with crisscross pattern | |
-Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder (Heavy needle driver) -Suturing & Stapling -Used for holding heavy needles -Broader jaw with crisscross pattern | |
Ryder (binary/octet-stream)
-Ryder Needle Holder (Fine needle driver) -Suturing & Stapling -Used for holding delicate to intermediate needles, often for vascular procedures -Fine tapered jaws with carbide insert |
-Skin Stapler -Suturing and Stapling -Used during wound closure for skin approximation | |
-Staple Remover (Staple extractor) -Suturing & Stapling -Used to remove skin staples | |
-Hemoclip Applier (clip applier, Weck clip, ligaclip) -Suturing & Stapling -Used for occluding vessels or other tubular structures | |
-Surgiclip Applier (Hemoclip, ligaclip) -Suturing & Stapling -Used for occluding vessels or other tubular structures |
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