Biology 3.1.2 ECG traces


A level Biology (3.1.2 Transport in animals) Flashcards on Biology 3.1.2 ECG traces, created by Sam Gunnell on 20/04/2019.
Sam Gunnell
Flashcards by Sam Gunnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Gunnell
Created by Sam Gunnell over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the three main parts of an ECG trace? P wave QRS complex T wave
What happens at the P wave? Atrial systole
What happens during the QRS complex? Ventricular systole
What happens at the T wave? Ventricular diastole
What happens between points P and R? Time taken for the electrical impulses to travel from the atria to the ventricles
What happens between points Q and T? This is the contraction time of the ventricles
What is the proper name for a slow heart rate? what would the ECG trace look like? Bradycardia Peaks more spaces apart
What is the proper name for a fast heart rate? What would the ECG trace look like? Tachycardia Peaks have less space in between them
What is an ectopic heart beat? Where there are extra heartbeats out of normal rhythm
What is atrial fibrillation? Abnormal heart beat rhythm
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