Biology 3.1.3 Factors effecting transpiration


A level Biology (3.1.3 Transport in plants) Flashcards on Biology 3.1.3 Factors effecting transpiration, created by Sam Gunnell on 16/04/2019.
Sam Gunnell
Flashcards by Sam Gunnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Gunnell
Created by Sam Gunnell about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How does the number of leaves effect the rate of transpiration? More leaves = more transpiration as more water vapour is being lost at one time due to more leaves
How does the number/size of stomata effect the rate of transpiration? More and bigger stomata increase the rate of transpiration
How does the light intensity effect the rate of transpiration? Increased light intensity results in more open stomata, so more water vapour can diffuse out of the leaf
How does temperature effect the rate of transpiration? Higher temperatures result in increased transpiration as the molecules have more kinetic energy so evaporate from the mesophyll cells more, increasing water potential gradient, making water diffuse out faster
What is humidity? The amount of water vapour in the air compared to the total concentration of water that the air can hold
How does humidity effect the rate of transpiration? Lowered humidity results in faster transpiration as if there is less water vapour in the air, there is a greater water potential gradient between the air and the leaf
How does the amount of wind effect the rate of transpiration? The windier the conditions, the more transpiration as the wind will blow away the water left on the surface of the leaf, increasing the water potential gradient
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