Biology 2.1.5 Components of a membrane


A level Biology (2.1.5 Biological membranes) Flashcards on Biology 2.1.5 Components of a membrane, created by Sam Gunnell on 07/03/2019.
Sam Gunnell
Flashcards by Sam Gunnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Gunnell
Created by Sam Gunnell over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the four compnents of a membrane? Phospholipid Protien Cholesterol Glycocalyx
What makes up a phospholipid? Glycerol, phosphate group and a fatty acid
What bond is formed between the fatty acids and glycerol of the phospholipid? Ester bond
What is the function of a phospholipid? Gives the membrane fluidity, barrier to large soluble water molecules and ions
What substances can pass through the phospholipid bilayer? Lipid soluble molecules (hydrophobic)
How is excesive close packing prevented in the phospholipid bilayer? Unsaturated fatty acids have kinks in the tails
What part of the phospholipid is hydrophillic/hydrophobic? Hydrophillic head Hydrophobic tail
What are the two different types of protiens that can be in a membrane? Intrinsic (goes all the way through the bilayer) Extrinsic (on one side)
What do the proteins do? Provide support, transportation (carrier/channel proteins), helps cells adhere and hormone receptor site
What does cholesterol do? Fits between fatty acids to make the barrier complete and reduces lateral movement of phospholipids giving membrane fluidity and stability
What is a glycocalyx? A glycoprotein and glycolipid covering that surrounds the membrane
What are glycoproteins? Carbohydrate chains attached to a protein
What are glycolipids? Carbohydrate chains attached to phospholipids
What are the two parts of a glycocalyx? Glycolipids and glycoproteins
What is the function of glycocalyx? Receptor sites for hormones, helps cells adhere to form tissue and they form H bonds with water to stabalise proteins
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